Session 44: Brucos and the Talking Soup Report in Eberron | World Anvil

Session 44: Brucos and the Talking Soup

General Summary

Talking with Brucos

  • Brucos invited the Crew into the hut with a small smile, with Maleakos quickly following behind. The rest were a little more reluctant, but none more than N'nchyk, who instead sent the wasp zombie Newton in with a spider familiar perched on his shoulder.
  • Bellum began inspecting the bodies of the hags hanging from the trees. They were definitively corporeal with the smell almost overwhelming to Bellum. He noticed that the center hag, which seemed to have been the leader, was carrying a leather bag on her. Bellum tried to take it, but the bag was actually sewn to her flesh, and was only removed with a titanic effort from Bellum ripping chunks of flesh with it. The bag was noticeably magical, but empty.
  • Brucos reclined in one of the rotting chairs inside the hut. Introductions were exchanged between him, Lumen, and Glorker. Firstly, Brucos said he was impressed that they chose the most dangerous route to the mountains for the sake of saving time. Their heroic journey would undoubtedly become local legend.
  • That said, the hags of the Moon-Lit Marsh were particularly dangerous because they knew the Crew was coming, and hags are deadly with time to prepare. On even footing, if the Crew managed to get the jump on them, the outcome may have been favorable.
  • Ashpin said he was surprised to see Brucos here. It wasn't exactly the cleanest meeting place. Brucos agreed, but said that he was here at least partially because of the Crew rescuing Glorker. Or at least because of what he carried. The "shiny brick" that Glorker was so proud of. When asked what it was, Brucos said to ask their friend Burnkles. But someone had been pursuing the brick.
  • Brucos handed a slip of parchment to Ashpin that read, “The wardstone brick, returned. In return, full locks of hair, sufficient quantity for two dolls. ~HK”. Attached to the parchment with a sticky green goo was undoubtedly one of Ashpin's hairs. The Hair King sought to hunt down the Crew and had used his hair collection as currency. Angered by the Crew's destruction of his regiment and the theft of a wardstone brick, he used contacts within Thelanis to come to an agreement with the hags of the Moon-Lit Marsh to hunt them down.
  • Brucos then spoke about happenings in Sharn since the Crew had left. Their fame was spreading, even as far as Wroat, and the city was missing its new heroes.
    • Security around the city had been tightened in light of the recent Droaamic attacks. Helping in the effort was an increase in Sharn Watch recruitment thanks to Verin's moving speech at the Golden Cog ceremony .
    • Also in light of the recent Droaamic attacks, Dooturr's construction fronts set up by the SCS were doing rather well. Perhaps in spite of this, the tensions between the SCS and the Boromar Clan were at an all-time high.
    • Viribus' bodyguarding business was also beginning to grow with a stimulant investment of 25%. The investor had consulted with his employees, Erwin and Zarvrak, to acquire the share and to develop larger contracts.
    • The arrival of the The Sixth Platoon in Sharn had also sparked some controversy. They had arrived in the Crypt Crew's land, as planned, but their entrance into the city was much less smooth. The debate on the rights and morality of persons like the skeletons and warforged that had been so hotly contested after the Last War were reinvigorated. There were protests, and the Platoon may have been destroyed had it not been for the SCS providing them shelter.
  • Brucos, smirking, addressed Newton and the spider, saying he had both a letter and an offer for N'nchyk. The letter, scribbled in nearly indecipherable writing, was from N'nchyk's associate Quillicarious at Morgrave University. The letter came with a blank parchment and a falcon imbued with Animal Messenger, so that N'nchyk could respond.
  • Newton delivered this to N'nchyk, and the triton himself finally came into the hut. After a tense moment, Brucos said he didn't know why N'nchyk disliked him so much. He says he's only tried to help N'nchyk, and that some day N'nchyk will wake up and realize what he's really done in Ymot'Zeg's name.
  • Pertinently, Brucos said he had another offer for N'nchyk. One that he thought would benefit them both. He offered a chance to N'nchyk and the Crew to see Ymot'Zeg's true nature, after their excursion with Droaam. After all, they've yet to really see N'nchyk's friend, wouldn't they like the chance? In fact, Brucos offered N'nchyk's journal back as additional recompense.
    • N'nchyk was immediately reluctant. He said he had studied the daelkyr with the Gatekeepers of his childhood, and it was well-known that anyone that saw a daelkyr would go insane.
    • Brucos asked if N'nchyk had ever even spoken to Ymot'Zeg. N'nchyk's slow answer was enough of a no for Brucos who pushed the matter, saying all he was offering was a chance to discern true intentions. And N'nchyk didn't need to fear the credibility of Brucos, for he could ask Ymot'Zeg herself if what he was seeing was true.
    • Viribus was in agreement; he wanted to see what Brucos had to offer. And so, reluctantly, N'nchyk agreed.
  • There was yet more news to be shared, this one of particular interest to Philip. There was unease in the Dragonmarked Houses due to the recent campaign by Viscount Okeanos Tsitak to investigate the bloody history of aberrant dragonmarks. He's claimed that the War of the Mark, which ostensibly eradicated all aberrant marks, was orchestrated by the Houses themselves.
    • If the Viscount's claims were substantiated, it could have a devastating impact on the Houses. There is already a public outrage and boycotts have already begun around Breland. The Houses support such a financial pillar on the continent that it's hard to say how their disuse would affect not only Breland, but Khorvaire.
    • A melancholy Philip said he was not entirely surprised, but was disappointed. The Houses were not the clean businesses they are often hailed to be.
  • Before Brucos left them to the hut, he said he'd like a private word with Ashpin, who obliged with a telepathic conversation. (If your name rhymes with Plop Times, scroll down to "Secrets" for details near the bottom of the page.)
  • N'nchyk still had some suspicions about Brucos, however. He asked if he had eaten the kid he adopted from the Phoenix Orphan Home. Out of all the questions N'nchyk could've asked, it seemed Brucos had not expected that one. He said that no, he did not have time to care for children; he had been placed in a loving home with the Cornwallis in Upper Central Plateau.
  • Lumen also had his suspicions. While studying his demeanor carefully, Lumen asked Brucos if he recognized the phrase "What is the zombie doing at the pancake palace?" Brucos' reaction was a mix of confusion, annoyance, and humor, and asked if Lumen was referring to their escapades at Patty's Pancake Pandemonium.
  • N'nchyk's suspicions were not yet satisfied, however. He asked if Brucos was the leader of the Harbingers. Brucos parried with another question: how would his response change N'nchyk's view of him? It seems N'nchyk seeks out any opportunity to dislike Brucos because of what Ymot'Zeg whispers to him, but Brucos thinks it is high time N'nchyk thinks for himself.

Exploring The Hut

  • With Brucos' departure, the Crew was left to explore the hut of the now-dead hags. At the request of the Crew, Professor Burnkles the orb began pondering the brick.
  • There was an odd assortment of clutter throughout...a cyclops eye with a bite taken out of it, a blood-stained mannequin, jars of blood...there was also things of value to the Crew. Potions, poisons, a pendant to communicate with bullywugs and amphibians, magical adhesive footwraps, and a pair of magic-negating collars that Lumen and Bellum quickly claimed.
  • The presence of the frog pendant was enough to deduce who had been commanding the bullywugs' strikes against the Crew.
  • Perhaps of greatest interest was a set of five heavy black pendants that the Crew recognized as identical to those worn by the Turi family of Ardev. Cadman Turi, who had said his family had been cursed by hags centuries ago, was unable to eat or sleep because of the pendants.
  • N'nchyk had been thinking about his recent deal with Brucos, and decided he needed to get ahead of something before it was revealed by their "benefactor". Their late friend Nayries, who had worked with House Tharashk, had been investigating the poisoning and killing of a Thranish cleric. N'nchyk said he was responsible, as this cleric was hurting his friend and needed to be eliminated. Thus, he could not return to Thrane.
  • Attention was turned to The Soup in the corner of the hut, which Brucos had said was the interface to controlling the hut. The soup was a disgusting amalgamation of lumps, strands, pools, and chunks. Naturally, N'nchyk was called upon, and began speaking to the soup. It was...hungry. After adding chunks of hag flesh to the concoction, the soup said it now needed to be eaten, which N'nchyk somehow managed to stomach.
  • Other efforts were made to tidy the hut a little. The porch was tidied up by Philip, while Maleakos magically scrubbed the dirt out with some well-placed Prestidigitation.
  • Meanwhile, the Professor had some news to share. He had been pondering the brick, and had come to a revelation. He knew what lie within the wardstone brick. The Crew might want to sit down for what it was.
    • One of the Professor's fields of study was the origin of spells. Some are older than others, some discovered by famous wizards. When studying this field, there is a topic that is considered taboo amongst all of its scholars. Even just holding knowledge of these objects is unsafe, and any information related to them is considered dangerous and forbidden. The Professor warned that anny who know of these artifacts are tempted into its power, and dangerous people are ceaselessly seeking them out.
    • Some say it isn’t even knowledge, but mere rumors of these objects. But, according to the Professor, that’s no more than the frightened denial of those who wish they did not exist. These objects, these artifacts, these paragons of power are known cautiously as the Eternity Rocks (see more lore on its page).
    • Based on the wisps of magical energy emanating from the wardstone - which in all its protective power, was still unable to entirely contain the Rock's energy - he best guessed that the Space Rock was sheltered within.
  • This new knowledge very much changed the dynamic of the room. Glorker, who had zoned out after about 4 seconds, snapped back to after Maleakos offered to take over the custody of the wardstone brick. Glorker said he thought he had done a good job taking care of the brick he definitely didn't steal, but agreed when N'nchyk promoted him to spoon guard duty. Maleakos admired the interplanar protective capsule protecting the incredibly powerful artifact for a brief moment before slipping it into his pack.

Out of the Swamp

  • Thanks to N'nchyk's guidance and Lumen leading the way, the hut came crashing back onto the path before plopping down for a rest.
  • The clean-up continued, with legs in the fireplace being replaced with wood. Lumen set up a perch on the roof, and noticed the winter storm was starting to roll in.
  • N'nchyk used the down time to perform some minor self-surgery. The troll finger he acquired from the Wandering Tale would of course look great on his own hand, despite the fact that it was disproportionately larger than his own. The procedure was successful and the finger was now attached to his left hand, opposite his thumb. But N'nchyk noticed that it had previously just wiggled around senselessly, but it now pointed at the soup regardless of where N'nchyk walked.
  • N'nchyk asked Professor Burnkles what the meaning of it was, so the orb began to ponder the troll finger. It seemed the finger seemed to point towards poisons, and the soup apparently qualified.
  • Speaking of the pondering orb, the Professor had finished inspecting the pendants and he had a theory. It seemed they were each part of a pair and had been used to siphon energy and life from whomever they were attached to. However, perhaps because of their death, the connection had been severed.
  • And so, at the direction of N'nchyk once again, the hut began trotting along the path. Philip tended to the wounds of Magrora, while Glorker continued to try hanging the spoon on his nose (unsuccessfully). Night fell, more snow blew in, but progress along the abandoned trade route was still being made.

Rewards Granted

  • An undead eyeball encased in a gem worth at least 150 galifars
  • A brass Frog Pendant
  • Pale Tincture
  • 3 vials of basic poison
  • Slippers of Spider Climbing
  • Collars of Magic Repulsion
  • Potion of Identification
  • Potion of Mind Control (beast)
  • Potion of Mind Reading

Missions/Quests Completed

  • Escaped from the Moon-Lit Marsh intact and with Baba Yada's walking hut

Created Content

Date begun:
28 Olarune, 998 YK
Date ended:
1 Therendor, 998 YK
Party level:
Report Date
13 Jan 2022
Primary Location
Related Characters

This article has no secrets.


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