Session 1 - Introduction to Eberron

General Summary

Date of in Game Events

Timeline of events for session 1: 3 Dravago 996YK at 7:00AM to 4 Dravago 996YK at 8:00PM

Eberron Chronicles

Click on Eberron Chronicles to see the progression of the timeline.

Storyline Notes

Roughly Two years after the Day of Mourning and serious negotiations about a permanent ceasefire in the works at Thronehold, King Boranel of Breland had placed a decree requesting all able body citizens to do three months of reconstruction work every year for 5 years. This decree was mandatory, and one had to provide proof of inability to work or face a fine of 5000GP for each month of refusal to work or imprisonment for 5 years at a labor camp. As compensation for the work, there was the promised pay of 1GP per day for each day that the individual worked that would be paid at the end of their service (84GP).

3 Dravago, 996YK

The adventurers arrived at Wroat - Lightning Rail Station ready to be assigned for their task. At the station they were briefly introduced to Zelcer Fourflare who was not too excited about taking random workers to do the reconstruction of the Lightning Rail. Each adventurer had their paperwork reviewed before being assigned to Cabin 15.

Once in Cabin 15, the adventurers introduced themselves to each other and waited for departure. The strong lightning sounds from the train as it sped up made Verna Appleblossom excited as it was her first time riding the Lightning Rail. During the trip the adventurers were free to move around where Wabnuc Thistleden went to the engine room to get more information on the operation of the Lightning Rail from Zelcer Fourflare. In addition Vincent Zander went around and talked to random individuals on the train, mostly small talk until they arrived at the reconstruction point. The rest of the party, De Sir E, Donaar Raghthroknaar, Oakburn Ravenaxe, and Verna Appleblossom stayed in Cabin 15 as either they were just impressed by the trip, creating bonds with their group, or just didn't feel like moving around and socializing.

Once at the Lightning Rail Campground, the adventurers and everyone on board was asked to leave the train, but Vincent Zander did not realize that he was required to be part of the group until one of the railroad attendants asked him why he was still on the train. At this point, the majority of the people were tasked to set up the campground as the Lightning Rail departed back to Wroat, leaving behind a couple of container cars with some of the tools/resources needed to do the restoration project. The adventurers, however, were tasked to do a survey of the damages to the Lightning Rail ahead and mark Conductor Stones that seemed to be defective or damaged, plus make a note of all the fallen trees on the path. At this time, the Bard, De Sir E decided to seduce the Conductor Stone as clearly they were asking for some sweet lovin'. De Sir E used Thunderwave in the seduction process to really get those stones roaring for excitement. As far as De Sir E was concerned he was successful in his seduction attempt. Vincent Zander wrote down a detailed report as outlined in Geological, Biological, and Structural Integrity of Lightning Rail at KC Lat 817, Long 1497, while De Sir E and Vincent Zander attempted to do a Mending spell to repair one of the damaged Conductor Stones. The stone was brought back to a serviceable condition, but wanted a final say from Zelcer Fourflare after Wabnuc Thistleden reviewed the integrity again.

On the way back to provide their findings to Zelcer Fourflare, the adventurers heard the sounds of an animal in distress. Upon investigation, they came across a Badger that was caught in a snare trap aggressively trying to get itself free from its entrapment. There was also its young (qty 4) that were nearby and its mate climbing up the tree to try to destroy the rope at its source. Verna Appleblossom decide to aid the Badger by climbing up the tree and deciding to cut the rope freeing the animal. While this was happing Donaar Raghthroknaar was complaining how someone was trapping animals outside of season and should be punished.

At this moment there was a piercing howl that ended up frightening several party members. De Sir E casted Sleep and was able to put to Sleep all the surrounding Badgers plus a Shadow Mastiff that was nearby. The Alpha Shadow Mastiff grabbed the previously caught Badger and tried to run off. However due to Vincent Zander fire bolt spell, and Donaar Raghthroknaar frost breath, they were able to effectively able to see the Shadow Mastiff from going completely invisible on its flight. Verna Appleblossom was running away from the Alpha Shadow Mastiff and decided to coup de grace the sleeping Shadow Mastiff. The damage was not enough and now the adventurers had to deal with two mastiffs. Sometime during this battle, De Sir E used Inspiring Word on the party members in the form of a song - My Bonnie Lies Over the Ocean and Vicious Mockery on the Shadow Mastiff. The battle continued until the weaker Shadow Mastiff was killed and the Alpha Shadow Mastiff was whistled back from its master. The party did not investigate who the master might have been and took the dead Shadow Mastiff back to the Lightning Rail Campground for a food source.

Unsure when De Sir E played Puff the Magic Dragon Song but it happened sometime as I have it in my notes.

Once back at the Lightning Rail Campground the party provided the notes that Vincent Zander generated, told about the illegal trapping that was being done, and gave the Shadow Mastiff for food processing and Feystone acquisition. Donaar Raghthroknaar complained about the wait time for the Mastiff meat as he could not understand the human processing requirements for the food and was ready to eat it. The day was reaching an end, and the adventurers rested for the night.

4 Dravago, 996YK

The following morning, Vincent Zander woke up early and was exploring the campground. He heard some laughter and giggling at the edge of the forest and decided to investigate, thinking that there might just be a group of people talking. He reached the area of the sounds and saw nothing. Dejected, Vincent Zander turned around and went on with his morning activities.

Breakfast was served which was a basic porridge in which Donaar Raghthroknaar complained again about the inadequacies of human food. At this time, both Verna Appleblossom and Vincent Zander went looking for better food sources and was able to find some outdoor ovens that were preparing baked bread. Vincent Zander stood in line for his bread while Verna Appleblossom got her bread by stealing a sack full of it and keeping it for later.

The adventurers went to go visit Zelcer Fourflare for their task for the day where they noticed a mysterious orc with a Shadow Mastiff by his side. It looked like the Orc was not happy and was having a heating discussion with Zelcer Fourflare before leaving after a few moments.

The party went and talked to Zelcer Fourflare immediately after the discussion and found that the Orc was making grievances for his dead dog and was expecting some form of repayment as he suspected someone in the camp had done the damage. Most of the adventurers were working on a lie and speaking dishonestly when Verna Appleblossom spoke her mind and told what happened. Zelcer Fourflare sighed and shrugged off the problem as that was the least of his concerns at this point.

Zelcer Fourflare mentioned that the way that the weather was going, that it was going to rain soon and some Lodestone Lightning Elemental Traps should be set-up on nearby rocky surfaces that were close to the peaks of the nearby foothills. Zelcer Fourflare showed the basic operation of the trap to Wabnuc Thistleden and gave some brief suggestions on locations nearby based on what he could see. Zelcer Fourflare also mentioned that during this time the group should explore the area and find any forgeable items.

The adventurers climbed up the hill to some of the suggested locations and were able to avoid a Shrieker mushroom due to Wabnuc Thistleden previous knowledge of this plant and how it is normally an alarm for nearby creatures. The party decided to avoid that area and continue on with the mission of setting up Lodestone Lightning Elemental Trap. As far as the party was concerned, they had placed down all the traps correctly and headed down the hill to find items to forage.

Show spoiler
They failed on one of the four traps

The forest was plentiful (due to everyone's survival check being really high), and finding resources was not a challenge. During this time, the party heard more giggling, a language they could not understand, and sighs and tried to look around for the source. Donaar Raghthroknaar used Divine Sense and was able to see that there was several entities around them that were aligned good. Historical knowledge suggested that they were Pixie known to play pranks and be elusive as possible. They decided to leave the entities alone. As they were discussing the laughter, one of the Pixies managed to tie Verna Appleblossom shoelaces together causing her to trip as soon as she moved. Verna Appleblossom laughed it off and they headed back to Lightning Rail Campground.

At this point, Vincent Zander was trying to do any more work for the day and made every attempt to avoid Zelcer Fourflare. However, he failed miserably and walked directly into him. They had an awkward conversation and Zelcer Fourflare went on his tasks for the day while the rest of the party dropped off their foraged items at the campground kitchen. Again, Vincent Zander attempted to avoid work and take a nap, but once again ran directly into Zelcer Fourflare where he made the excuse that he was not feeling well and was going to rest for a bit. During this time, Oakburn Ravenaxe had dysentary and was incapacitated in the outhouse.

A few hours later in the evening, there was a scream that could be heard near the kitchen area and some immediate swearing. The adventuring party went to investigate in where the campground kitchen crew was complaining that someone had tossed in a Myconid Sprout in their basket and it had just released some distress spores. They warned the adventuring party that they should prepare for a fight as it is likely that some Myconid Adults will be on the lookout for the distress signal.

The party set up some torches to provide some better lighting around the campground so that they could see any ongoing attack while Verna Appleblossom kept the Myconid Sprout entertained. A group of three Myconid Adults showed up from the forest edge and were slowly walking in. De Sir E played a song of inspiration - Thunderstruck. Vincent Zander in a panic casted Fire Bolt at one of the Myconid Adults in which it released some more Distress Spores. In the meantime, Verna Appleblossom was trying to get the Myconid Sprout to help explain the situation to the other Myconid Adults and was going the pacifist route. The rest of the party members with the exception of Vincent Zander refused to fight until Vincent Zander ran off in a panic thinking that everyone was following him. Donaar Raghthroknaar casted Lay on Hands for the wounded Myconid Adult and De Sir E followed suit casted Healing Word avoiding a full on conflict with the Myconid Adults in the hope that they can try to keep the nearby forest as peaceful as possible.

Session End

Rewards Granted

Artisanal Bread - A giant Sack's worth

Missions/Quests Completed

They were able to find their way to the Lightning Rail station - so I guess that is a plus.
Were able to properly mark defective Conductor Stone and report to Zelcer Fourflare about any damages.
Saved a family of Badger from the big mean Shadow Mastiff
Set up some Lodestone Lightning Elemental Trap to gather lightning elementals
Managed to not get lost finding their way back to Lightning Rail Campground
Prevented a Myconid Adult disaster from the Pixie tricks when they hid a Myconid Sprout within the gathered foraged materials

Character(s) interacted with

Zelcer Fourflare
Generic Lightning rail NPCs and Attendants
A seduction scene involving lightning rail Conductor Stone and De Sir E
Massive amounts of paperwork - See: Geological, Biological, and Structural Integrity of Lightning Rail at KC Lat 817, Long 1497
Trapped family of Badger
Two Shadow Mastiff
Various Bakers and NPCs working on the lightning rail reconstruction
Disgust of human food choices by Donaar Raghthroknaar
Multiple Pixie that seem to be doing tricks to them
Near interaction with Shrieker Mushrooms
Fanagling of Lodestone Lightning Elemental Trap to capture lightning elementals
Mysterious Orc with initially two but now one Shadow Mastiff
A rough encounter with a bathroom stall for Oakburn Ravenaxe
Myconid Sprout
Myconid Adult

Created Content

Tons because start of the session.


The ruleset for restricting spells/magic/abilities was removed after the mutiny at the beginning of the session. Everyone was like oh NO! the source book doesn't tell me that these spells are restricted so I don't care what you say DM. Anyways, to prevent future headaches, this ruleset was removed. The intention was to have some level of need for religion or incorporate into the world in where your deity decided to bless you with the ability by rolling a d% based on how difficult the spell was in relation to your level. Figured these players love their dice rolling, but NoOOOooooOOOoo the source book says that I have no restrictions. Anyways rant over and thanks for reading!
Eberron's Darkest Secrets Campaign
Verna Appleblossom
Wabnuc Thistleden
Neutral Good Rock Gnome (Guild Artisan (Smiths and Metal-forgers))
Artificer 1
11 / 11 HP
Oakburn Ravenaxe
Donaar Raghthroknaar
Vincent Zander
De Sir E
Player Journals
Session 1 9/24/22 by Donaar Raghthroknaar
Lightning Rail Chain Gang by Verna Appleblossom
Report Date
24 Sep 2022
Primary Location
Secondary Location


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