Chapter 16 - Midnight Stroll

Shadows on the Wall

  As the witching hour crept upon them, the once lively bonfires dwindled to mere embers, casting a subdued glow upon the weary party as they escorted their patron, Manfred Heincrich, to the shores of the Delacourte Shipping Company. The boisterous clamor of the crowd had long since faded into distant echoes, leaving behind the lingering scent of ale and sickness in the air, a stark contrast to the earlier perfumed ambiance of the evening.   Now liberated from the Red Widow Theater's indulgent allure, the group felt the weight of exhaustion settling in, the culmination of a taxing day. Amidst a moment of reprieve, with the last vestiges of light painting the stone walls, Zildeen noticed something peculiar—his shadow seemed to move of its own accord, a phenomenon beyond his comprehension yet undeniably captivating.   As his shadow turned to face him, Zildeen couldn't fathom its significance, but he sensed an undeniable spark of inspiration igniting within him.
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At the Gates

As the night descended into deeper silence, the party made their way along the Widow's Walk, a path that led them back toward the imposing Northern Wall of Port-a-Lucine, demarcating the stark division between the affluent and the destitute, where cobblestone streets bore witness to the struggles of those less fortunate. With each step, they sought solace within the city's embrace.   Upon reaching the gate, a subtle exchange of coin with the city watch facilitated their passage, granting them entry beyond the threshold. To their good fortune, they were greeted on the other side by a grand carriage and its awaiting driver, offering a chance to conclude their journey in comfort.   Through shrewd negotiation and a limited selection of options, Manfred Heincrich brokered a deal with the elven coachman for safe passage to their destination. Oblivious to the shadows that lurked above, the party embarked on their journey through the labyrinthine streets of the city, unaware of the clandestine figures that trailed them from the rooftops, their intentions veiled in secrecy.

In the Streets

As the carriage rolled through the winding streets, the elven coachman engaged in a curious conversation with Manfred Heincrich, seeking insights into his business dealings within the city. Eager to share his expertise, Manfred imparted "words of wisdom" on the traits essential for success in commerce (and the ruthlessness one needs to be successful).

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Meanwhile, Zildeen Zaratul's keen eye fell upon the familiar figure of their elven driver, triggering a wave of realization—the same individual who had covertly observed the crowd within the Red Widow Theater. Before he could dwell further on this revelation, their progress was halted by the sudden appearance of a formidable figure obstructing their path.   The imposing form, adorned in tattered finery, bore a countenance twisted with malice, a single tendril of hair cascading from an otherwise barren scalp. As the elven driver struggled to discern the figure's features, two other shadowy forms descended from the buildings like sinister apparitions, their intent ominous and palpable.   Realizing that negotiation would be futile in the face of such hostility, the party steeled themselves for the impending confrontation, readying their weapons as they braced for battle against this enigmatic foe.  

Battle on the Bridge

The vampire spawn bore down upon them, their vicious intent evident in their ghastly countenances, the party sprang into action. Confined within the carriage alongside Manfred , Anethra wasted no time, tearing her dress to free herself from any hindrance before gracefully vaulting through the narrow window, landing with poise upon the unforgiving flagstones below.   Meanwhile, the elven driver swiftly activated the carriage's defensive mechanisms, locking the doors and securing the windows with iron bars. Initially resistant, Manfred's protests faded as he beheld the nightmarish figures descending upon them, accepting the makeshift sanctuary with gratitude.   Gungus and Thuldor Ironbreaker braced themselves at the rear of the carriage, ready to repel any attackers, while Zildeen Zaratul and Suol ascended to the roof, seeking a tactical advantage. Anethra flanked the initial assailant, her movements fluid and deadly, while the elven driver unleashed a barrage of forceful bolts from his crossbow.   The carriage became a battleground as the heroes clashed with the undead adversaries. One of the vampire spawn, addressing Zildeen by his last name, Zaratul, with unsettling familiarity, scaled the carriage's side in an attempt to confront him directly. But the bard met the challenge head-on, prepared to defend himself.   The frenzied combat raged on until Anethra , with a series of devastating blows, vanquished the lead aggressor in a burst of ash and bone. Witnessing their companion's demise, the remaining vampire spawn retreated into the darkness, unwilling to face a similar fate at the hands of the determined heroes.  
Quest: Vampire Spawn

Alanik Ray, Detective Extraordinaire

As the dust settled from the battle, the elven detective introduced himself as Alanik Ray of Nik/Wic Investigations, a name that sparked recognition in Zildeen's mind, having heard tales of the detective's legendary investigative prowess. Alanik revealed that he was probing the string of disappearances plaguing the industrial northeast of Port-a-Lucine, tracing the epicenter of the mystery back to the Red Widow Theater.   Meanwhile, Anethra Luliandre sifted through the remnants of the vampire spawn she had dispatched, discovering a peculiar blue crystal residue amidst the ashes. She carefully collected it in a vial, sharing her findings with Suol, whose scholarly curiosity was piqued.  
Item Acquired: Blue Crystal Dust
Quest: Blue Crystal Dust
    Despite Manfred Heincrich's demands to be released from his carriage confinement, Alanik and the party pressed on with their questions. Alanik's interrogation delved into whether Manfred Heincrich had any involvement in the recent disappearances, a suspicion exacerbated by the shady reputation of the Red Widow Theater. However, through astute deduction, Alanik concluded that Manfred's arrival postdated the commencement of the disappearances, absolving him of direct culpability.  
  Nevertheless, Manfred's wounded pride festered into a vow of revenge against Alanik Ray and the party for their perceived affront. Though eventually released, the lingering resentment prompted Anethra Luliandre to unleash her fury upon him, a display of righteous anger that left Manfred battered and bruised.   Recognizing the potential complications of Manfred's demise, the party opted for a more strategic approach. Utilizing Suol's magic, they suspended Manfred mid-air, rendering him helpless and delaying his return to his vessel.   Seizing the opportunity, the party swiftly made their way back to Manfred Heincrich's ship to retrieve Anethra's possessions, mindful of the delicate balance between justice and pragmatism in the shadowy streets of Port-a-Lucine.


Under the cloak of the pre-dawn hours, the party, aided by Alanik Ray , arrived at the Delacourte Shipping docks, just as the first light began to grace the horizon, painting the sky with hues of orange and pink. As the dockhands commenced their morning tasks, the party, still unbeknownst to their betrayal of Manfred Heincrich, opted for a subtle approach to gain access to the ship.   Anethra Luliandre and Zildeen Zaratul took on the role of emissaries sent by Manfred , convincing the ship hands guarding the gangway that they were tasked with retrieving something from the vessel. Anethra's adept skills of deception proved invaluable as she smoothly gained entry, securing her possessions.   However, Zildeen , ever curious, seized the opportunity to glean further information. Sneaking into a locked cabin belonging to the ship's bookkeeper, he discovered a ledger written in Thieve's Cant, a language he was proficient in decoding. Within its pages lay references to the ship's true cargo, cryptically labeled as "spice." Pocketing the ledger for later analysis, Zildeen rejoined Anethra , and together they made their escape from the vessel without incident, albeit after witnessing the crew's nervous handling of large, sealed wooden crates.  
Item Acquired: Manfred's Ledger
Quest: Mysterious "Spice"
    Alanik Ray, with his keen eye for detail, sensed an air of unease among the crew as they dealt with these mysterious containers, hinting at a deeper mystery shrouded within. Alanik Ray theorized to the party that the containers could possibly be a means of transporting one or more vampires, but without further investigation, it would be difficult to prove.   With time running short, the party enlisted Alanik's assistance in returning to the Owl's Roost. After a brief detour to Alanik Ray's home and headquarters of Nik/Wic Investigations, he presented the party with a gift, a singular Dawnburst Grenade created by his partner Arthur Sedgewick to aid them should the vampire spawn return once more.
Item Acquired: Dawnburst Grenade
    As the new dawn approached, casting its gentle light upon the weary city of Port-a-Lucine, the party found themselves back at the Owl's Roost, their hearts heavy with the weight of the day's events. With Alanik Ray by their side as a newfound ally and Manfred Heincrich now counted among their enemies, they bid each other farewell, hoping for a peaceful respite and much-needed rest.   The air was filled with a sense of uncertainty, yet also with the promise of new beginnings. Despite the trials they had faced, the party knew that they were stronger together. As they retreated into the safety of their sanctuary, they allowed themselves to exhale, if only for a moment, knowing that tomorrow would bring fresh challenges and opportunities. But for now, they welcomed the embrace of sleep, seeking solace in the quiet moments before the world stirred once more.