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Arm of the League

The Arm of the League is the name typically used in reference to the policing forces found through most settlements of the Eveloth League. The Arm only operates amongst the main continent of Kasetia and is yet to serve as a peacekeeping force in foreign lands.


The Arm of the League is divided into an upper and lower administrative structure often referred to as the Upper and Lower Arms. The Upper Arm polices matters of a concern to the entire League and seeks to operate as a single entity based out of Axrid, Bigengis and Warenint Keep with operatives deployed to areas where matters are thought to arise. The Lower Arms are many regional policing forces that only operate within a small region, often larger towns or a few small ones in addition to the areas surrounding the town within about a days travel. Each Lower Arm is entrusted to maintain the well-being of their region and respond to concerns brought up its populace. Currently there are 16 individual Lower Arms spread through Warenoth, Axonland and Fultstrip. In addition, each state capital has a Capital Arm that acts as an amalgamation of the traditional Lower and Upper Arm.


The Upper and Lower Arms have structured ranks and some specialized positions amongst those.

Lower Arms

The members of the Lower Arms have roles pertaining to policing amongst a given population, with the higher up ranks tasked with following up on more dire complaints. The most important positions report to the Upper Arm and are tasked with managing the day-to-day operation of their Arm. Lower Arms lack formal investigators, instead requiring their Guards to do so, and calling on skilled Upper Arm Investigators when required.
  1. Lower Arm Commander - Lower Arm Commanders are in charge of a Lower Arm. They plan training schedules, guard groups, patrols and all other matters related to where their guards operate and the manner in which they do so. These tasks are often delegated to Guardhouse Captains, with the more overarching effects being completed by the Commander. They are expected to manage the Arms finances and inventory in addition to other administrative duties, such as generating reports and having them sent to the Upper Arm. Many Arm Commanders beseech outside help from book-keepers, scribes, barristers or other similar professions when performing these administrative duties. Each Lower Arm only ever has a single Commander who serves until retirement or removal from their post, at which time a new Commander is selected by Upper Arm administrators.
  2. Guardhouse Captain - Guardhouse Captains are in charge of any given guardhouse they are assigned to. They manage the day-to-day operation of their guardhouse, which often covers matters such as; assignment of Patrol Sergeants, patrol routes, stationary guard assignments, weapon or armor consignment and requisition, purchase requests and personnel management. Captains also perform whatever tasks are delegated to them by their Commanders, which often entails training or patrol matters. There are only ever as many Guardhouse Captains as there are Guardhouses, which varies from region to region.
  3. Patrol Sergeant - Patrol Sergeants are delegated as the leader of a patrol. They are expected to follow up on complaints, command their Guards and report to their Captain on the events occurring during a patrol. The rank is separate and superior to the Guard, being the second lowest rank in the Lower Arm. A patrol normally only has a single Patrol Sergeant assigned, though sometimes multiple can be when superior experience is needed. In the event of this, one Sergeant is designated as the patrols leader.
  4. Guard - Guards are the lowest rank in the Lower Arm. They carry out patrols, follow up on potential crimes and seek to prevent them as best as possible. Guards are required to undergo 1 year of training before induction into the Arm of the League, however this period can be bypassed by candidates who show sufficient skill with weapons, magic, citizen interaction or investigative ability. Many guards were previously members of the Eveloths League militia army.

Upper Arm

There are three Upper Arms of the League, with each found in one of the three states of the Eveloth League. One is located in Axrid, Bigengis and Warenint Keep. The role of the Upper Arm is to intervene in matters of importance to the entire state and on occasion of importance to the entire League. The leader of each arm reports directly towards the leader of their state on matters of grave importance.
  1. State Arm Commissioner - The State Arm Commissioner is the designated head of the Upper Arm within one of Eveloths states. Each state has a single Commissioner who oversees the operations of the Upper Arm in the entire state. An Arm Commissioner reports directly to and acts in service of the Collective Head of Operations.
  2. Investigative Lead - An Investigative Lead heads up major investigations performed by the Arm within the state, often tasked for issues of great importance to the entire state or to its largest settlements.
  3. Minor Investigator - Minor Investigators are tasked with solving investigations in small settlements or assist Investigative Leads in their own investigations. 
  4. Petty Investigator - Petty Investigators rarely act in a manner of any independence. They act in support of those of a higher rank than themselves.

Other Ranks

There are a handful of other ranks and positions that fall outside of the Upper and Lower Arms, including the designated head of the Arm of the League and the many outside agents employed by them.
  • Arm of the League Collective Head of Operations - Often simply called 'Head' or 'Head of Operations,' the Collective Head of Operations oversees the entire Arm of the League. The position remains independent of any Upper or Lower affiliation. The Head is appointed by the Eveloth Leagues head of government, with the head of state able to veto said appointments. The Head of Operations reports directly to the head of government, monitors activities of the Arm and consults on some legislative matters with the Leagues Council.
  • Orderly Arm - When an Arm hires someone not involved with the policing actions the Arm performs, they are designated as an Orderly Arm. This term refers to anyone perfoming back-end roles within the Arm, such as book-keeping, writing, research or crafting. These positions are ineligible for rank increase, though income can increase over time.
  • Independent Agent - When the Arm hires someone to perform duties similar to their policing roles,m they are designated as Independent Agents. They are given a temporary rank and bonuses like a member of the Arm would receive, however they are officially considered to be working independently from the Arm itself.


In 372, the then mortal Cyric grew to have control over Warenint Keep and all of Warenoth via a series of elaborate lies and schemes, with the actual leader being merely a puppet. After his failure and subsequent ousting, the Arm of the League was formed in an attempt to prevent the same types of actions from happening again.

Stalwart to the League

Founding Date
Government, Law Enforcement
Alternative Names
Eveloths Arm, the League, Arm Guards
Parent Organization


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