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Natranus Protectorate

The Protectorate of Natranus is the state formed by the Eveloth League after their conquering of the Arrow Isle, which previously acted as a series of independent settlements. The term Natranus was only chosen owing to the large following of The Nature Collective clergy located on the island.   The actual organisation is composed mainly of merchants and nobles from Eveloth itself.


High Reeve of the Proctecorate - The high reeve is the official name for the person placed in charge of governance over the entire held territory of the Arrow Isle. They act as the highest authority in the state, though remain a subject to the leaders of the each of the leagues member-states.

Public Agenda

Enacting the desired will of the Eveloth League in regards to governance over the claimed territory of the Arrow Isle, and those parts disputed by  upstart groups native to the island of the territory. The primary goal here is to be considered the extraction of rare-earth minerals found throughout the island and have them distilled into more precious goods for utilization by the states of the Eveloth League.


  • Fortifications along the east coast of the Arrow Isle
  • Trade and military ships
  • Stationed soldiers


Founding of the Natranus Proctectorate was done shortly after Eveloth had achieved victory over what used to be the Aleussi in 970. In the signing of the Aleussi Concord in 970, the native state of Aleussi agreed to have a provisional state formed, with the native state of Aleussi agreeing to the transference of land between the Eveloth and themselves, with Natranus being the state that would govern those living in the conquered territorities.

Demography and Population

The overall population of the island is incredibly diverse, with humans making up a majority, but not in large part of the total population. The majority of these humans are colonists, though the native populace of the island remain incredibly numerous particularly towards the west.   Humans - 58% Gnomes - 12% Halflings - 8% Elves - 7% Half Elves - 5% Lizardfolk - 4% Triton - 3% Other - 3%


The native population, human ethnic


The acting military of the region are troops stationed through the tradeposts of the region, sent there from the Eveloth League. The entire military functions as a proper professional army, though their numbers are somewhat limited. There remain few subsects of the military tied to the colony.   Divisions
  • Natranus Redarms - Redarms are normally Chondat men and women who were recruited on the mainland, but underwent their formal training out in the harsh areas in the inland of the Arrow Isle. They represent the only elite unit of soldiers tasked stationed on the Arrow Isle. They normally appear in small numbers, and are based out of the states capital in Auegdula.
  • Colonial Shorthats - Shorthats are those soldiers stationed inside areas of Natranus. They're considered to be decent enough for their purpose, being well-trained and equipped. 


Most of the traditional gods worshipped from the island have been banned or at the very least restricted. This mainly extends to those in the Deities of Fury and the Nature Collective. Besides that, religious freedom is provided to the people of Natranus.
Founding Date
Geopolitical, Protectorate
Alternative Names
The Protectorate, Rulers of the Isle
Government System
Legislative Body
The laws of the land are the same as those administered throughout the Eveloth League. This is somewhat subject to change however, with the emplaced leader having the potential to making adjustments to those laws. As the society is a timocratic system, landowners can also influence how laws are written and altered over time.
Judicial Body
Rather than having a simple militia or guard force employed by Natranus, professional soldiers from the Eveloth League are sent to each established trade post. This is done both for ensuring peaceful existence in each of those settlements, while also allowing a military force to be rapidly mobilized in the event of anti-state actions taken by the natives living there.   Prosecution and the role of judge is performed by a council of the landowners inside any individual settlement.
Parent Organization
Subsidiary Organizations
Neighboring Nations


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