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Auegdula is the appointed capital of the Natranus Protectorate, having been made such during the Eveloth Leagues takeover of the island. It acts as a base of power for the three nations of the Eveloth to exert their control over the island, with the trio sometimes coming to blows, though rarely doing so in a direct capacity. This has led to Aeugdula being one of the few areas with any significant development performed by its occupiers, being the only real settlement where Eveloths impact is felt at all times. The settlement is focused mainly on the coastline, with little in the way of further development being made into the areas inland.


Humans - 58% Gnomes - 12% Halflings - 8% Elves - 7% Half Elves - 5% Lizardfolk - 4% Triton - 3% Other - 3%


A form of appointed government is used, with a representative for the entire city being appointed by the head of the Natranus Protectorate. This position is essentialy considered to be the mayor of the city, and is responsible for the majority of the goings on. Taxation is relatively lax on the overall populace in regards to currency, instead being provided in the form of raw materials produced or gathered.


Small naval forts dot the islands surrounding the settlement.

Industry & Trade

Most people in the community work as artisans of sorts, taking advantage of the resources throughout the island.


An expansive shipyard with connecting canals spreads all down the coast. Watermills can be found all throughout these canals, being used for production and processing of the extracted raw material.

Guilds and Factions

  • The Pouchers (collection of guilds)
  • Emerald Conclave (naturists, druids and foresters)
  • Trackers of the Untame (hunters and adventurers)
  • Chankrat Weavers (magic academy original from the Chankrat Union)


Aeugdula has long acted as the center of Evelothian power in the Arrow Isle, being esablished during the 900s as a forward operating base during their invasion of the island.


The city has developed its buildings in such a way as never seen before on mainland Kasetia, having built the roofs of each building in such a way so to push the intense rain the city so often recieves off into the canals to further power watermills. In general, the buildings are made using brick or marble construction, with marble being more common amongst the higher-ups of the community.
Founding Date
Trade post
Around 43,000
Location under
Owning Organization


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