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Arrow Isle

Located in the southern portion of Kasetia, though not actually connected to it, is the Arrow Isle. The area is perhaps most well known for the thick jungles and high volcanic activity so common to the island. Its impressive size is another aspect of note, being the largest island anywhere to be found on Edarmyrni.   The island is held in majority by the Eveloth League, though their impact on the island is highly varied depending on location. The only area with any significant or consant presence is in Aeugdula, the capital of the Natranus Protectorate. Apart from Aeugdula, the eastern coastline of the isle has scattered trade posts centered around the north-east.


The island is particularly pointed in shape, with a small collection of islands dotting the coastline, partiularly along the southern edge. Towards the interior of the island, a pair of mountains; Isles Quiver are the most outstanding features of the island, with the pair appearing towards the center. Along with either mountain, smaller hilly regions dot the areas surrounding either island. The coastlines are particularly welcoming throughout most of the island bar the southern tip; where steep cliff-faces act as a major deterrent to anyone considering a voyage past the islands.   The island has one of the strongest connections to the Feywild, with the same area being home to the Seelie court on its mirror plane. This intense connection leads many intrepid wanderers to venture when wishing to make passage into the Feywild. To this day, it's the only place left on the sister continents with a constant means of passage; the Seelie Pathways available between the Feywild and the Material plane.


The isle has a unique ecosystem, consisting mainly of lush jungles spread over hills and at the edge of mountains. Owing to its position on the world, thunderstorms and heavy rain is considered common for most of the year round, broken up only by an intense monsoon season that boths kills much of the flora, while also bringing on rich nutrients deposited in the water by ocean winds.

Ecosystem Cycles

During the summer, the area experiences an intense monsoon season, where virtually all methods of reaching the island are impossible. This brings an incredibly hostile ocean immediately around the isle, causing many a would be traveller to be dashed across the rocky outcrops dotting the water, becoming another soul lost to the wrath of Talos and Umberlee. The island itself is subject to high levels of rainfall almost every day during this period of the year, making overland travel hard but not impossible.


The isles history has been one of foreign involvement and rebellion against them. The first attempts were made by Thundatross, during the Ascension, with the Emerald Conclave being a strong detterent during that conflict. At the time, the Conclave practically had complete dominion over the island, bringing the forces of nature herself to bare during the conflict. After some time, the power of the Conclave wained and small collections of settlers from the Kasetia mainland gradually came to the island. After the Conclave fell out of importance during the Decline, the island was destined to act as the graveyard of the Oakfather. The death of Silvanus spelled the end of independence on the Isle.  Without the Oakfather to provide strength, the Emerald Conclave retracted back into the woods, seeking to protect the sapling that the Oakfather was held inside.
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