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Huasort'e'ke is a band of elf communities in Central West Tila'thyu, situated in the Huavandor. While originally a secluded group, the actions taken by them during the Kerryth ath tel' Lyth ent Kessuk from -539 to -301 AS brought a lasting change to the region. They have no capital or leader, believing such designations are to be left to those who care.   Each community is led by members of the elf noble families able to trace their lineage back to the original children of Corellon Latharian.


The Husaort'e'ke is technically an agreement made by the wood elf lords of the Huavandor forests of western Kasetia, made after the betrayal of Lolth in an attempt to protect themselves from harm. It states that each community of wood elves should come to aid the others in times of dire need, or give them resources if it can be spared. The original groups of wood elves were a group of 7 families with lineage directly to members of the Seldarine While the original agreement was made by the families themselves, the communities around them progressively grew, such to the point that each family had the equivalent of a small town following them. It remains that only those with the blood of Seldarine can 'rule,' but almost any elf is considered welcome into their communities.


Typically, members of the Huasort'e'ke are not hateful towards other races, however some members still view the war with humans as a shameful defeat and one that should be corrected by ousting them from the continent. In extreme cases, this sentiment extends to half-elves as well.   Most members are raised to learn about other cultures and how to recognize the signs of their encroachment into the unspoiled land of Tila'thyu. While this certainly ensures the members are learned of other species, some members view the knowledge as a necessary tool in potential wars, while others see it as a means of diplomatic engagement.   The only species this courtesy is not extended to are the drow, who are commonly killed on sight. Other less desirable groups are only killed if necessary. If an orcish tribe were to approach their lands, often a community will simply leave and wait for the tribe to either tire out or die as the long age of elves grant them such a convenience.   Reaction to foreign incursion can vary between each group of elves however.


  • Each family has a large mass of wealth held in ornate works of art.
  • Domesticated elk used for riding.
  • Lonswords, shortswords, longbows and shortbows for all members.
  • A trained force of 1,000 soldiers in each family


Sometime after Lolth betrayed Corellon elves had become a fractured group, having spread over both the Feywild and Material Plane in huge numbers. At this point, ties to the gods remained strong and inter-elven relations not decayed to the extent seen in the Crown Wars. A group of elven families on the Material felt the only way to ensure the elves remained strong was to work together. This was the event that founded the Huasort'e'ke.   During the Crown Wars in approximately -13,400 AS, there was much discussion of intervention but it ultimately came to naught. Save a few skirmishes with sun elf raiders on the fringes of the then much larger Huavandor.   Upon first human contact in -572 AS, the families were unsure of open war with them. While they had known of humans for years based on the stories of those who retreated to Evermeet, they had no first hand knowledge. A decision to create a military under the name Huasorgisir was arrived upon. By -539 AS nearby Tethyr and Toth'ur humans had reduced the Huavandor by a third and in turn, brought the elves of the forest into a war.   The elves of Huavandor were not the first to fight the human settlers during the Kerryth ath tel' Lyth ent Kessuk, but were the last to concede peace terms after 238 years of conflict. A lasting impact washed over the citizens of the Lythareisyl who found the need to be more vigilant in the defence of their home. Sparse skirmishes with humans remained commonplace until the Mortalbound Period had begun in 380 DC. By 1100 DC, fights with other intruders were less common, with most of the families simply moving when they arrived and allowing them to die off from old age or to simply leave.   The only conflict that remained hot were those against the drow to the north, who remained a constant pain. In 1284 DC, a pair of advocates for the drow rose among the band, Lymseia and Alavara. They fled the band and brought likeminded individuals with them, fending off the raids conducted by the Huasogisir into the Surface Underdark. They were eventually slain by the once leader of the Vandori Akh'Velahrn, General Mailyryn who retired around the same time.

Demography and Population

Almost the entire population is made of elves with half-elves and forest gnomes making up single digit numbers respectively. Primarily wood elf and moon elf, with small numbers of eladrin being present as well.
  • Wood elves - 58%
  • Moon elves - 41%
  • Eladrin - <1%
  • Forest gnomes - <1%


The only place claimed is their ancestral land of Huavandor, though some members would consider the whole continent of Tila'thyu as theirs.


Every man and woman is taught to fight by the time they reach their 20th year and then given 80 years to contemplate what they would like to do within the community. The soldiering force is maintained at around 1,000 per family.The Huasorgisir is considered to be the formal army of the organization. Each family also has a unit specialized for performing other tasks in warfare. This includes battle healers, special force guerillas, heavy cavalry brigades and more.


The entire band reveres Corellon as their primary deity. Nobles will pray to their respective ancestor alongside the Ruler of All Elves. There is no expectation of worship throughout the band, save that Corellon be respected dutifully by anyone living there.

Foreign Relations

The band remains on fine terms with the other elven realms of the continent, though rarely discuss worldly matters save for once a century. The band has held a longstanding friendship with forest gnomes of the region, who help to ensure one another remains safe. While relations with nearby humans is still tarnished from past conflicts, tensions have progressively eased off however there is always potential for an ignorant human to light a fire among the xenophobes of a community.   The few encounters with dwarves of the continent are surprisingly amicable, with many holding a similar hatred of the drow.

The forest is the heart of the world

Founding Date
Geopolitical, Band
Alternative Names
Forest Lords of the West, Wood Elf Bastards
Power Structure
Economic System
Palace economy
Judicial Body
Votes are determined on a democratic basis
Official State Religion
Official Languages
Related Ethnicities


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