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The Roaring Orc

A tavern located in Rekadomoy, run by Urkh Table-Breaker and orc. Just past the towns bridge, on the northside of town. The building isn't the best in terms of construction, though the ale is the best in the town.

Purpose / Function

Tavern, servicing the increase in travellers and adventurers staying in the area, along with the Redkostve Hunters.


Not being the greatest builder, Urkhs construction was a little shoddy in the first place. Since then, with assistance from Rekadomoy Timbers, he's been able to fix the most glaring issues in the rooms. The sleeping quarters still have a few of these original construction problems.


Thatch and darkened wood. Hanging from above the main door is a large scrap of tree bark, with a crude drawing of a screaming orc painted on. The taverns name is painted in broken common saying 'Da Rooring Ork.' The central area is a 40 x 30 foot square, with stairs to the northern face. The hallway at the top of the stairs has 7 rooms, all doors on the southern face. A small area for washing is set up in a separate room as well.


The tavern is known for having very strong, bitter ale. The food is adequate. Visitors are either travellers, townsfolk or adventurers.
Founding Date
Pub / Tavern / Restaurant
Parent Location
Characters in Location


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