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A mixed monarchy and aristocracy, Otakai has strict codes of conduct and stricter rules of contact with outsiders. While it allows outsiders through on certain paths, this nation confines outsiders to interact with designated officers. The nation also places tight control on the women who are often in control of the society and maintain the social structures. Yet, despite this, many women of the lower classes have found themselves out adventuring.


Otakai existed long before Cheala was founded. When the Gylanese established their nation, the Otakai people were suspicious but within a few peaceful years they accepted the Gylanese as neighbors and began a prosperous trading relationship. Otakai also maintained a good trading relationship with the halfling settlements to the south. The nation never can into contact with Cheala.   In 612 the settlers for Morenth that had been arriving for the past decade declared themselves a nation within the Wernt Mountains that Otakai people had held claim to. When the people of the new nation, Bern, refused to accept Otakai’s claim on the mountains and move, Otakai declared war in 615, determined to push the unwanted new neighbors out. But the people of Otakai quickly realised that they had no knowledge of how to fight in mountainous terrain. They kept up the pretense of waging war for a couple years then declared an end to the war in 621. The two nations have remained at relative peace ever since.   Otakai began to keep an eye on Gylanese when it started sending ships to conquer the halfling settlements, but Gylanese never attacked its trading neighbor. The rest of Otakai’s history has been one of peace and seclusion.
Founding Date
Long before 0 C.E.
Geopolitical, Country
Government System
Monarchy, Constitutional
Power Structure
Unitary state
Economic System
Official Languages
Neighboring Nations
Notable Members


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