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Halflings are a brave yet mercurial lot. Living in a wide variety of environments. There are those you might describe as Cottage Folk. Living in small idyllic villages with beautiful flower gardens and shared vegetable plots. Their thatched cottage roofs decorated with trailing vines, framing bright windows with planter boxes on the sill. Winding paths meander from house to house to farm, following the natural camber of the land. Tending to their sheep, farms and gardens with a cheerful contented attitude and taking pride in a job well done.
Known for their high quality wool, cotton and flax exports, the finest materials are woven from Halfling fibres. This can be seen in their simple, yet expertly crafted clothes; with fine tailoring and beautiful hand embroidered details on their more elegant garments.

There are also those you may refer to as Darkling’s (This is a funny name as it representative of the environment they live, not their personality.) Darkling’s live in large underground caverns, lit by bioluminescent flora and fungi and special crystals that radiate purple/blue light. Their eyes have adjusted to this darker environment, able to see clearly without light and even seeing into the ultraviolet spectrum. This allows them to distinguish the poisonous plants from the otherwise identical edible kinds. They make their homes out of the trees and bark around them, in the fashion of living cottages and warmed by thermal pools that naturally occur in these chasms, the climate resembles that of a rain forest. Some settlements have been established near large lakes or flowing underground rivers teeming with fresh water fish, bringing a bountiful fishing trade to these villages.
Subsequently, the Darklings' greatest export are unique plants and fungi, renowned for their alchemical and magical properties. Artists also pay a lofty price for a variety of luminescent pigments made in secret by Myconids, a race that lives in close proximity to Darklings. Few Halflings learn this elusive art, but those who do are bound to secrecy by the Myconid's that have taught them their secrets.

Basic Information


Humanoid, two arms, two legs, each with 5 digits. Opposable thumbs on the hands. Standard muscular structure, but on the lighter end of the scale. Skeletal structure is the same as most other humanoids however they are usually between 80 to 120cm.

Genetics and Reproduction

Standard Pregnancy for a humanoid mammal, period being 8 months.

Dietary Needs and Habits


Civilization and Culture

Common Customs, Traditions and Rituals

Using the pigments harvested through the ancient and secret arts handed down to the Darklings by the Myconid race, a very special tradition was born amongst the race. With these pigments, the Darklings create intricate tattoos visible only to their kin or when underneath the light of the cavern. A Darkling receives their first tattoo as a baby, after they have been bathed and blessed in mineral rich waters, a small symbol is tattooed onto the back of their right hand; the same as that of their mothers mark. Its function is similar to a last name or a family crest, each one unique to a family line. Like a tapestry written through time, each new milestone is marked on an individuals skin, each one the telling a story. The most important story is reserved for their chest, added to as a relationship blossoms between a couple reaching its culmination on the day they marry their life partner. Emblazed upon their chest for all time, a matching pair is made whole linked through magic and beautiful ink.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Average Height
Average Weight


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