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Wood Elves

The Wood Elf race is a proud and ancient people known for their deep connection to nature, their grace and agility, and their fierce independence. They are a highly individualistic society, where children are raised by matriarchal parents for the first 100 years of their life before being released into the world to find their own "Path" through life.

The Wood Elves believe that every individual has their own unique destiny, and that it is their responsibility to find and fulfil that destiny. This is known as the "Path," and it is considered to be one of the most important aspects of Wood Elven culture.

The Wood Elves live in harmony with nature, often living in deep forests, and surrounded by lush green landscapes. They are skilled hunters, archers, and rangers, and they possess a strong connection to the natural world around them, often able to communicate with animals and plants. They also have a strong tradition in magic, and many Wood Elves become adept in using magic to enhance their connection with nature.

The Wood Elves, unlike other races, do not have a centralized government or political system. Instead, they have a loosely organized society, where each individual is responsible for their own actions, and where disputes and conflicts are resolved through council. The Wood Elves recognize the importance of community, but they also understand that it is important to allow individuals to follow their own paths in life.

Due to the individualistic nature of their society, Wood Elves are known to be fiercely independent, with a strong sense of self-reliance, and self-sufficiency. They are known for their strong sense of personal freedom and autonomy, and for their willingness to stand up for what they believe in. They are also known for their strong sense of honour, and for the respect they have for nature and all living things.

Basic Information


Humanoid, two arms, two legs, each with 5 digits. Opposable thumbs on the hands. Standard muscular structure, but on the lesser end of the scale. Skeletal structure is the same as most other humanoids.

Genetics and Reproduction

Standard Pregnancy for a humanoid mammal, period being 9 months.

Growth Rate & Stages

Infancy for a young elf is from Birth through to the end of the first decade of life, with children of the same decade usually being raised in the same age group. Childhood then goes from the first decade through to approx. 90 years of age, with the final decade being classed as adolescence.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Omnivorous, with a preference towards vegetation. They also are not fond of sweet and highly processed foods, such as sweet baked foods etc. Most Wood Elves are also Lactose intolerant after infancy.

Additional Information

Social Structure

A very Individual society, Wood Elves spend a very limited time amongst what can be described as "Elven Society" spending most of their time on their "Path", an individual journey through life. Society for an elf begins at the Elven Centre of Society, Ollselian, the ancient capital where Wood Elf and High Elf society first split. Here, families expecting the birth of their children come, to be protected by the powerful wards and barriers that are constantly maintained and improved by the elders that take up residence their in the later part of their lives to teach the young of the race.
A child of Elven Society is raised amongst their peers born in the same decade and spend a total of 80 years learning from various elders of the race everything from common etiquette in outside society amongst the other races to the finer intricacies of elven weapons, meaning that every youngster is more than capable of defending themselves. At the age of 90, an elder of the village takes on one of the children as an apprentice, teaching them in the arts that they show a heightened interest in. At the age of 100, they are released from the capital, free to live their life as they see fit for themselves.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Whilst the Wood Elven capital has a set location, most of wood elven society is individual or small groups that have formed bonds of Friendship, whilst the bonds will most likely last for the rest of their lives, the time the spend together will, for them, be fleeting at maybe one to two decades.

Civilization and Culture

Gender Ideals

Matriarchal Society, the mother in the relationship tends to hold sway over the decisions of the family group whilst living in the capital. Whilst still a very individual society, the mother being the one to bear the young to term, tends to hold more investment to the children, wanting them to apply themselves and get the most out of the younger times of their life.

Relationship Ideals

Relationships like most bonds an elf makes are very individual, with some partners only staying together for the period to raise their child/children. Monogamy is also a choice, with some elves forming family units with multiple partners, to raise their children. Once the child has moved through to adulthood, it is again a very individual choice as to whether the parents stay together, most choosing to move on through their "Path", splitting ways to continue individually.

Culture and Cultural Heritage

Next to Ollselian, the ancient capital of Wood Elf Society is a truly mythical forest. Only those given permission by the Council of Sages, a body of elves that represents the combined knowledge of the wood elf race, may enter. The trees that encompass this forest are some of the oldest in the world and, if one has the ability, can tell stories of ages long past. With the permission of the trees, Elders of the community carve the stories of the elves into the trees and as the trees grow, it allows newer tales to be added beneath.

The magic of the forest keeps these trees alive and healthy as a way for for the elves to pass on what has come before. Amongst the trees, many Fey creatures make there home, ready protect the forest from any who wish it harm. Of particular note are the Dryads, of which there are a particularly high number in the forest. These Wood spirits represent the heart of the most ancient trees in the forest, and especially those trees that have chosen to hold the stories of the elves.

For those who have chosen the path of Lore Keepers, take it upon themselves to hand down the stories of the past to the young elves that are under their care and construct the stories told to them by those recently returned from their wanderings in the world. Young elves often have excursions into the forest as part of their education, accompanied by the Lore Keeper who's charge they are in. The Lore Keeper passes on the stories that are written on the tapestry of the forest whilst answering any questions the young ones have, as well as ensuring that all is well with the forest.

In the centre of the forest can be found the First Tree, believed to be the most venerable tree in the world and according to the wood elves lore, is the first tree to take route in the lands of Kandalas. On either side of the enormous trunk, two openings can be found that lead into, what appears to be a vast cavern of wood, with corridors and walkways leading further in. It is here the Lore Keepers make their home in balance with the forest and monitor that which they have made their charge.

Common Customs, Traditions and Rituals

Animals, and nature as a whole is considered sacred by the Wood Elves and whilst they do kill to consume the flesh of animals, they go to painstaking lengths to ensure that nothing of the beast goes to waste.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Average Height
Average Weight
Average Physique
Slim and slender, even the most muscular of females would be considered lean to most other races.
Geographic Distribution
Thanks to Hayley Govan for creating the majority of this content


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