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The Current Era

Beginning of the Age

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    The War of Blood and Fire
    Military: War

    The War of Blood and Fire was a major conflict between the goblins and the orcs. It was fought over the question of independence for the goblin race from the orcs, who had long been the dominant power in the region. The war lasted for several years and was characterized by intense battles, scorched earth tactics, and significant loss of life on both sides.

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    23 Cleki

    15 Drucir

    The Great Clan Wars
    Military: War

    The Great Clan Wars were a period of intense conflict between the various dwarven clans that lasted for over three centuries. The reasons for the war were varied and complex, but often centered around disputes over resources, territory, and power. Each clan was fiercely independent and had its own unique culture and traditions, which made it difficult for them to come to a peaceful resolution to their differences.

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    The Signing of the Small-Folk Alliance
    Diplomatic action

    The Signing of the Small-Folk Alliance was a historic event that took place many centuries ago, when the smaller races of the world, including the Halflings, Gnomes and Goblins, banded together to form an alliance. The reason for this was the constant threat they faced from the larger races of the Humans, Elves, Orcs and Dwarves. The smaller races were often overlooked, oppressed and marginalized, and their resources and territories taken by the more powerful races.

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    1 Ui

    The First Great Celestial Alignment
    Celestial / Cosmic

    During the Alignment Osip Gribanov, Arch-Runecrafter of Clan Gribanov, focused the tremendous energies of the Alignment to power a ground-breaking ritual that upon it's completion supplied enough Pure Aetherium that Osip was able to create the Aether Forge.

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    1 Ui

    Signing of the Iron Alliance
    Cultural event

    The Iron Alliance is a historic treaty signed between the various dwarven clans. It represents a pledge of mutual support and cooperation between these clans, and serves as the foundation of their political and military unity. The signing of the Iron Alliance marks a turning point in dwarven history, signalling the end of centuries of inter-clan conflict and the beginning of a new era of cooperation and solidarity.

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    The Sundering of the Elves
    Cultural event

    The Sundering of the Elves refers to the division of the elves into two distinct cultural groups: the Wood Elves and the Aether Elves. The split was caused by a growing cultural divide between the two groups of elves, which had developed over time

    Wood Elves
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    War of the Skies
    Military: War

    The War of the Skies was a major conflict that had far-reaching consequences for the Lands of Kandalas. With the creation and distribution of airships, the world was changed forever, and new opportunities for conquest and power emerged.

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    12 Vuhehn

    24 Cleki

    The Border War
    Military: War

    The Border War was a conflict that lasted for over a decade between the forces of the Kingdom of Dale and Brixton. It started as small skirmishes and border incidents, but as tensions rose, the conflict escalated into a full-blown war. The war was fought over territory and resources, as well as disputes over trade, taxes, and political influence.

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    12 Jenemn

    28 Jenemn

    The Siege of Alnerwick
    Military action

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    7 Datol

    The Night of Cleansing
    Military action

    The night in which the Silver Legion led a coup to take over Brixton. It was a coordinated attack on the demoncraft-using aristocracy of Brixton, led by the Silver Legion under the command of Julius Hart.

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