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"Earthly beauty and relationships and stories and everything your mortal hearts yearn for... They are all... formulaic. You are creatures of habit and structure. I only hope that one day He will show you the beauty of before and after, the primordial cosmos and perfection that you cannot neatly arrange. If this seems not to make sense, then let this be a lesson in humility, as well as a promise. One day, if He is merciful, you will understand."
Celeyra to the priestess Orilla Lenathis
Celeyra is the goddess of beauty and friendship. So the legends go, she did not speak for one hundred and six days after the Meydra woke up. All she could do was go about with the wide eyes of a child, taking in the beauty of the world and the creatures around her. Finally, she came to Evendur and spoke for the first time—to ask for the privilege of learning how to make something worthy of existing in the world, even once. Evendur was pleased by her request and taught her how to forge meaningful bonds between two souls. This understanding transformed her from the inside out, and it is said that wherever she walked, flowers grew. She is portrayed slightly differently across cultures, always conforming to the regional standards of beauty, with varying hair lengths and body types, but she is almost always shown with flowers at her feet, with golden dress and hair.


Celeyra's husband was Ebium, and they had two sons together, Noveakrin and Éam. She had a great many friends among the Meydra, the closest of whom were Tekina and Miranelle.


Clerics of Celeyra put great care into their words and speak only when it is important or will lift someone else up. They usually wear yellow robes with white trimming and wear Celeyra's symbol, a golden carnation. Celeyra is especially revered and loved by elves as perhaps their chiefest deity, and they call her Hamalaur, or "She who is clothed in gold."

Divine Domains

Friendship, beauty, platonic love, flowers, gardeners
Divine Classification

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