BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

Episode 25

General Summary

With the end of Abenthe, The Conjurer's ritual resulting in an audible popping sound, the wind around the party begins to pick up, forming into two loosely humanoid-shaped whirlwinds of fury. These strange creatures attack the party, throwing them around with strong gusts and battering them with debris.   With the help of Solf, The Evoker and Ilea, The Illusionist; the otherworldly beings (which Abenthe identifies as Air Elementals) are defeated. The wind returns to a calm breeze, and those who were injured are taken care of. Abenthe apologies to the party for his mistake, but is still happy with the result - as whatever he did seemed to connect to the Elemental Plane of Air, even if it wasn't in the way he intended.   With their research concluded, the professors instruct the party to lead on - back to Kureta City. On the way, Leah spots the track that had previously led them to the Witching Well. Curious to see what the professors make of it, the Eladrin leads the group on a detour to the well.   At the well, Abenthe recalls some information that he has gathered in his studies... of fairytales. Supposedly, three practitioners of magic should stand around the well, forming a triangle. A coin must be tossed in, and a question asked of the well. Once the bucket is winched up, the waters will reveal the answer - though often providing little useful information.   Deciding to give it a go, Leah, Eva and Veda stand around the well and ask their questions. Eva (quietly) asks who the father of her child is - and the waters reveal a man wearing a tanned cloak and leather armour, but no finer details can be made out.   Prompted by this question, Leah asks who her own father is - the waters reveal an elf wielding a staff, with a red gem glowing at its tip.   Godric asks the well where he should go next for his mission, and the waters show an aerial view of Kureta City... then provide no further answers to his questioning.   Leah asks the well why Godric was brought into the world. As she peers into the waters, they begin to boil - and the bucket itself bursts into flames - dark black flames. As the fire subsides, it seems the bucket has been destroyed, and the group decide it may be best to leave it alone. Veda recalls something about coloured fire having links to devils...   Back at the University of Magic, the party are presented with a choice of magic items as their reward. They opt for a Wand of Magic Missiles, a Pearl of Power and a Ring of Protection.   With a couple of days to spare before the Expedition to the Ruins of Akai sets off, the party separates to carry out some independent errands, and enjoy some downtime.   Veda spends some time in the College of Exquisite Arts' library, where she researches devils and their colours, angels and good and evil weapons. Not much information is available on these extra-planar creatures, but a collection of folk lore and tales seems to suggest that there are seven archdevils who rule over The Hells. Each archdevil has a portfolio related to the sins of mortals, and associated with this is a colour. The colour black seems to be associated with the archdevil known as Wrath.   Veda's research on angels doesn't turn up much at all, it seems that very little is known of celestial beings, other than that they serve the goddesses and reside in the heavens.   The tiefling's insights in weapons is more fruitful, as the history books have recorded many such items over the centuries. Unfortunately however, there is no reference to people being used as weapons - though some interesting (if unhelpful) information is found about the weapon Alaric Knightsbridge carried; Calis as well as the weapon of Medea, which was known as Rule Breaker.   Godric has his measurements taken by an armour-smith who provides him with a grand set of full-plate armour. The armour has a small insignia of the mayor stamped into the corner of the chest piece.   Marty heads to the home of her former tutor, and only professor she got along with, Alveron. The retired teacher is happy to see his old pupil, and invites her in for a cup of tea. The pair spend a bit of time catching up, and Marty fills the old wizard in on her recent discoveries pertaining to the state of the goddesses. Being a retired divination wizard, Alveron has had plenty of time to ponder the mysteries of magic and divinity - but he admits to often getting distracted when he thinks about it too much. He agrees that something sounds a little odd in The Pentheon, but is unable to offer any real ideas as to what is going on or what can be done. He suggests that perhaps the Ruins of Akai may have the answers Marty is looking for, as history suggests it was once a very holy site. He promises to check in on the young cleric via a scrying spell in a few days time.   Leah finds Veda during her downtime, and the pair spend some time sharing their thoughts and feelings on Godric and this new devilish discovery. Leah also wishes to learn more about planar travel, and Veda suggests that the nature witch ask Abenthe. At the university, Leah manages to catch the conjuration wizard between lectures and tells the man about a harrowing experience she had, where she seemed to get caught between the Feywild and the Material Plane - and was stuck there for some time. Abenthe admits that he doesn't know as much about planar travel as he'd like - hence the recent experiments. He promises to look into what Leah has discussed, but doesn't sound convinced that he will find much.   Atlas heads to Hammer & Rune to use their forge equipment as promised. With the help of Fenna and meddling of Bracken, he is able to construct a mechanical shield which can be shrunk down. Impressed by his work, the dwarves suggest that when he returns from the expedition, they could look into mass-producing the item, once the kinks are worked out.   Eva takes this time to try and find out what's been going on with Harmony, as the meddling bard has been unusually quiet. With her natural charm, she manages to get some information out of local guardsmen and the town criers. It seems that Harmony was acquitted of the charges against her for being drunk in public and causing a disturbance. She has also been seen spending more time in the College's library. At the front desk of the library, Eva convinces the clerk to tell her which books Harmony has been perusing. It seems the brash young half-elf has also taken an interest in devils...   Returning to her home on the night before the expedition, Eva finds an unexpected visitor in her sitting room. A very handsome man wearing a white suit sits casually in an armchair, his golden hair hanging lightly around his face, and his bright green eyes piercing the warlock's very being. The celebrity's patron has come to call it seems. The man seems concerned about the mistrust amongst the party, particularly towards Eva. He provides some interesting information about tieflings, and the nature of Godric's arrival in the world. The man tells Eva that fiend-pact warlocks will always birth tiefling children, and it's possible to tell which archdevil is associated with the tiefling based on the colour of their eyes. Apparently Godric was not summoned as he has always believed, but was born to a woman who has a pact with Wrath. The woman still lives.   In a green flash the man disappears, leaving Eva to ponder how exactly this information may help her...   The following day, the Unlikely Association gather once more at the mayor's estate, where they are introduced to their new travelling companions; Symon Argent - a historian and minor wizard, Hespé and Ida - two mercenaries, and they are re-introduced to Weddy McDowel - the explorer who discovered the ruins. Harris Kanes is also accompanying the group at the mayor's request.   Excited murmurings can be heard in the crowds as the party exit the city through the southern gate - a new adventure begins.

Rewards Granted

Plate Armour          
Report Date
29 May 2020
Primary Location
Secondary Location


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