BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

Episode 34

General Summary

Collective Action, reunited and invigorated, teleport to Kureta City with Inadi’s assistance. They make their way to the University of Magic, eager to do some shopping. At the shop, they find their pink-haired friend Fiona tending to customers. The party makes a few purchases, with Groban selling the Flail Snail glass and Aboleth parts to a fascinated professor.   Next, the adventurers visit Emeric & Althea's magic shop, where they browse and buy more magical items. Their shopping spree continues at Hammer and Rune, where they request the dwarves to enchant Celine’s Warforged body. The dwarves agree to attempt the feat, though they warn it may not work. Celine leaves one of her hands behind as part of the process.   Their errands complete, the party heads to the palace to speak with Barnabus’ mother, Cecelia Orbeck. They inform her about the tunnels they have discovered under the country and share their theories about the appearances of various divine avatars. Barnabus also questions Cecelia about the mysterious presence he has sensed during their full-moon conversations and the Angelkin that attacked the royal family years ago. Cecelia takes detailed notes of their account and arranges a meeting with the queen for the 22nd of Sesin.   As they begin their journey to Kaiz, Blair feels a pull from her Scythe within the city. The party heads to the Eternal Keepers, where they find a large crowd packed into and around the temple. Knights of the Shield vigilantly watch the crowd for trouble. Unable to get closer to the supposed avatar of Pulcra, Blair focuses on the scythe, feeling its power resonate.   Continuing to Kaiz, they find another crowd gathered around a young, brightly dressed lady on stage. The woman, Lyra Brightsong, is giving an enthusiastic sales pitch for magical lutes, captivating the audience. Many in the crowd head to The Kaiz Playhouse to buy one. Splitting up, half the party joins the crowd to investigate the lutes, while the others head to Wild Things Café to speak with their patron, Melly Maypole.   At the playhouse, Roan, Groban, and Meepo join the queue to purchase a lute. They catch the end of a speech from Madame Vespara, who thanks everyone for their custom before heading into the playhouse to work on a play. At the front of the queue, Groban begins magically identifying a lute while Roan buys him time by channelling her inner Karen. Eventually, the lute is revealed to have a simple illusion enchantment to make it play pleasant sounds. Roan causes a big fuss, eventually leaving with her friends after purchasing two lutes. Meanwhile, Meepo, invisible, steals some gold.   The rest of the party speaks to Melly, who clears her café to discuss business. She believes that Samara Silverlocks, another Half-Elf, is actually a devil, likely a Succubus or Erinyes. Melly’s proof is circumstantial: Samara hasn’t aged in decades, and despite being mute, seems to sing beautifully late at night. Additionally, many young bards have disappeared after spending time at Samara’s tavern, Siren’s Song.   Regrouping, the party heads to Siren’s Song to speak with Samara. On the way, they encounter another crowd gathered around a young man called Vance Fairglow. Similar to Lyra, he is pitching magical tonics meant to enhance beauty. Meepo attempts to steal some potions, but finds that he has none on him. As the crowd disperses, the party continues on to Samara.
Report Date
07 Jun 2024
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