BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

Episode 38

General Summary

Collective Action, now settled in their new summer cottage, receives a guided tour from Patrice, who resides in the servants' quarters next door. Patrice hands the party a note from one of their neighbors, inviting them to visit a nearby cottage where Elysia Greyshield resides with her husband. Elysia expresses a desire to meet the newcomers to the lake.   Deciding to unwind, the group lights a bonfire and enjoys their time by the water. Groban, Meepo, and Blair engage in playful shenanigans in the lake while the rest of the party relaxes with toasted marshmallows and wine. As the evening draws on, they are interrupted by a visitor. Elysia Greyshield, having seen the fire, hopes to chat. She is eager to hear adventuring tales, and the party obliges, regaling her with their exploits.   During the conversation, Elysia inquires about the Aboleth tattoos. The group nonchalantly explains that they are matching tattoos for their party. Before leaving, Elysia asks them to relay a message to Godfrey Verren: "Time is running out to make your decision." Meepo and Celine, curious about Elysia, follow her back to her cottage. Meepo sneaks inside and overhears Elysia talking to her husband, Riley, but finds nothing of great interest. He sneaks out again, and the party spends the night by the lake.   The following morning, they head to Kureta City for their usual shopping trips, collecting enchanted items from Hammer and Rune. The next day, they are taken for a meeting with Queen Irena Orbeck. The queen has been briefed on their findings but listens as the party recounts their discoveries in detail. She mentions her recent visit to Watcher's Keep, suggesting the party head there to work with Jarna Steelspire on piecing together the mystery of the tunnels.   Regarding the divine avatars, Queen Irena is being kept well-informed and updates the group on the latest holy arrivals. She is cautious about taking any action as the beings have drawn followers and have not done anything untoward, so she has the Order of the Shield monitoring the situation. The party shares their suspicion that the avatars may be plants for an Aboleth.   Barnabus asks about the day Godric disappeared. Irena provides more details about the history of the Angelkin in Kureta and the mysterious disappearance of Godric and the Angelkin wizard who attacked them. She believed Godric to be dead but is hopeful that Barnabus can prove otherwise.   With their royal business concluded, the party sends Groban back to Takari Peak to collect their latest reward and a new quest. He chooses a mission to slay a nuisance beast in the Okina Forest. Inadi kindly teleports him back to the capital, and the party heads north to the Erfu Forest. Following the Fae Compass, they venture into the enchanted woods.   Along the way, they encounter a friendly Treant, who is overjoyed to have someone to talk to. They play hide and seek, and the Treant rewards the party with a magical healing acorn each. Eventually, the compass leads them to an open glade teeming with squirrels. A tall elven-looking man materializes before them, expecting to find Eloen Stillhawk and somewhat disappointed to see Collective Action instead.   The party explains why they have come, and the archfey, Lord Eldreth, agrees to relinquish ownership of Eloen's secret if they can defeat his squirrels in combat. Tentatively agreeing, the party watches as a unit of squirrels marches out from the surrounding trees. They are joined by a giant squirrel with some giant nuts, and finally, Lord Eldreth himself transforms into a giant majestic squirrel, ready for battle.
Report Date
21 Jul 2024
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