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Episode 7

General Summary

  • Entered Temple of Mortona, spoke to Cissara, Veiled One about finding Marty
  • Cissara uses the dagger to scry on Marty again, and believes that she is still alive, but likely in a pocket dimension or demi-plane, within which she is trapped
  • After some discussion, Cissara recalls hearing about a djinni that Marty met during her adventuring days. Apparently, this creature had its own pocket dimension which contained a shop
  • Cissara suggests something like this may be responsible for Marty's disappearance, but she has no idea how they would go about finding her
  • The Halfling shows the adventurers the route she believes Marty would have taken to get to the temple from Kitaun. Apparently, the cleric wanted to investigate some undead sightings in a region north of the Paix River
  • The group decide to follow Marty's path from the opposite side, in the hopes of finding some clue to her disappearance
  • The party heads north until they reach the river, which proves a minor challenge to cross safely
  • Whilst wild-shaped as a crocodile, Roan spots a strange whirlpool on the riverbed. Further investigation suggests that there is small hole, or holes, under the water and that the river is slowly draining underground
  • The party continues their way up the river, eventually coming across some strange multicoloured sparks manifesting in the air
  • After throwing a rock and an owl through the sparks, the party pass through into a damaged and badly burnt shop
  • Evidence of a large magical battle surrounds the group, as the sounds of a large dog howling can be heard
  • The beast, a Hell Hound, emerges from a pile of ash and attacks the party
  • The hound is defeated, and found in the ashes is a magical lamp
  • Rubbing the lamp summons Father Sky, a djinni, who explains that he was attacked by a very powerful wizard wearing red robes
  • If not for Marty's timely intervention, the djinni fears that he may have been captured by this mage
  • It turns out that Marty had used the Hell Hound cloak the djinni gave her some century ago, and upon her 6th transformation, Marty turned into a Hell Hound permanently
  • Realising that they had just killed Marty, the party's concerns are put to rest as Father Sky assures them he can bring Marty back, and restore her to her former half-elven self
  • Father Sky attempts to offer his services in return for the group helping him fix his broken portal, but the adventurers decide to just take Marty back alive as their reward
  • Roan plants a flower outside in some kind of magical ritual, which allows Father Sky to stabilise his portal
  • Blair has a quick private word with the djinni, before Marty magically returns the group back to the Temple of Mortona
  • Cissara is relieved to see Marty alive and well, and sends a message to Kenshin confirming the same
  • The two clerics of Mortona promise a favour to the group as thanks for their efforts, before saying their goodbyes
  • Upon leaving the temple, the party runs into The Fist of Justice. Apparently, they are also seeking Marty for their current mission, which involves getting into the wizard's tower of Kureta City
  • Back in the capital, the party celebrate the end of their mission with a few drinks
  • Whilst in the Water Dragon Tavern, a handful of patrons begin spitting out their drinks, as all the water served seems to have fouled
  • Some investigations are made in The Ample Axe and the palace, which reveals that around the same time, much of the water in Kureta City instantaneously spoiled at once. What could have done this remains a mystery
  • Report Date
    05 May 2023
    Primary Location
    Secondary Location


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