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Father Sky

"What a deal I've worked with Father Sky, he's given me a choice with time..."
  Father Sky is a mysterious merchant from another world. He claims to be able to fulfil people's deepest desires and wishesi, though he has his limits...   Father Sky's shop is an extra-dimensional space, filled with knick-knacks and other oddities. On the outside, his shop appears as a small hut covered in bells and chimes, with no windows. News of Kureta is beginning to spread to other worlds it seems, and creatures such as Father Sky are beginning to take notice.   The Unlikely Association encountered Father Sky on the road to Nakaba, and made a few deals of their own.  
Leah - traded information on the magic of Ekina for a modified Scry scroll which allowed her to scry across the planes. She used the scroll to immediately scry on Seth’aril.   Eva - traded information on Archdevils for an amulet that would protect her from Envy, The Jealous's divinations.    Godric - traded information on Morgana and the Shadow Witches for an Aether Compass which detects similar magics when held by someone under a spell.   Atlas - traded information on Changelings and his nature for a bracelet that would "make anyone involved in his creation see him as Atlas' projected image".   Veda - traded information on Nephilim for an altered Imprisonment scroll, which even she can use.   Marty - traded "The Truth" for a Hellhound Cloak and a magical dagger.
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