BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

Episode 82

General Summary

  • Eva takes Godric to an interior designer, where the Tiefling pays for his home to be fully decorated and furnished
  • The party head to City Lake Boats to hire a vessel and some crew, who take the party up river to Bounty Mine
  • The journey is pleasant enough to begin with, the crew are quiet but do request a performance from Eva during their evening rests
  • On the 2nd day of travel, the group spot a merchant by the side of the river, looking very lost. After being shown some useless items, the party eventually find the one thing of value he has to sell - a Potion of Vitality. The man asks for directions to Chimuk, but Eva sends him towards Quintella's tower instead... Eva's very certain demeanor leads nobody to question the very obvious falsehood
  • Resting on their 2nd night, the party are awoken by someone screaming. Heading towards the sound, the group encounter a wolf, followed shortly by a man who looks a little worse for wear. The man warns the group to 'flee' before continuing his own escape
  • A few moments later, the group find themselves confronted by a man wielding a rapier, along with 6 humanoid creatures who seem slightly more feral... and hungry
  • Realising that these are vampires, Eva tries to dissuade the creatures from attacking - using her patron's name as a warning. Unfortunately, the words fall on deaf ears, and the vampires attack
  • Battle ensues, but the undead creatures are seemingly no match for the adventuring group. Once Kenshin draws the Sunblade, the vampires begin to fall very quickly, all turning to dust, with some managing to float away as a cloud of mist
  • Returning to camp, the group find the fleeing man and his pet wolf speaking with the boat crew
  • The man introduces himself as Niam Diggol, a Hunter with the Hunter's Guild who was inspecting the changes to the Deddo Forest. He was making his way back to Okin when the vampires attacked
  • The group give Niam and his wolf, Alfonse, a ride further down the river, dropping him off at Bounty Mine. On the way, the ranger speaks to the group about the Deddo Forest, remarking that a new group of nature-based spellcasters have moved in, calling themselves Nature's Stewards. He also mentions meeting a monk from the Monastery of Stone, who went by the name of Sascin. The monk was also investigating the forest, and seemed to be planning on staying there for some time
  • At Bounty Mine, the Dwarf in charge of new arrivals warns the group to keep their eyes on the sky, as apparently the town has been having some trouble with an angry Hippogriff attacking folk...
  • The group head up to the prison, where the guards allow them entry to look for some lost property. Inside they bump into Willow, who is excited to see the party and leads them to an evidence room
  • Asking about the Hippogriff, the party learn that a young knight called Oscar Copperbottom was the first one to be attacked by the creature, and since then it has been seemingly attacking people at random, though has been giving the farmers particular trouble as it steals their livestock
  • Willow takes the party to speak with Oscar, who is currently healing up in the infirmary. After detecting some falsehood in the man's story, the party coax out that Oscar did indeed find The Unbreakable Chain, and accidentally unleashed the Hippogriff. The creature was very aggressive, and after attacking Oscar, stole the chain and flew off
  • After getting some further information from the barkeep at the Sunny-Side Pub, the group surmise that the Hippogriff must be nesting in the mountains somewhere
  • Marty contacts Niam via a sending, and convinces him to return to Bounty Mine to track the beast down.
  • Niam finds a large feather at the farms, which Alfonse sniffs to get the scent. The wolf leads them to the base of the cliff-face, which looks to have no easy way of ascending
  • Niam asks if Marty can contact the Hunter's Guild, and in response, the party are given directions to a southern mountain pass that can lead them into the Igma Mountains
  • The angry Hippogriff awaits...
Report Date
08 Apr 2022
Secondary Location


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