BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

Episode 95

General Summary

  • With Kaiz safe, the group return home to spend some time relaxing
  • Various pieces of equipment are collected and attuned to
  • Godric speaks with Ariadne, somewhat clearing Harmony's name and letting her know that he has one final mission before he will likely return to his duties as a Knight
  • Godric then catches up with Natalie Rachel, and has a pleasant evening with his new friend
  • The party spend some time taking care of minor business, before heading to The Lover's Nest, to find out exactly what Lust's secret invitation is for
  • At the slightly-seedy tavern, Lust takes the group downstairs, not to an orgy, but to a secret underground bar, with scattered armchairs and pillows strewn about the place
  • Envy is preparing cocktails, and the couple explain the various magical effects that can occur when imbibing them
  • Godric has a cocktail that lets him imagine life as a Human. He spends this time questioning everybody on whether they would like him more or less if he had purple skin. The confused responses of his friends and colleagues suggest that they wouldn't care what he looked like, provided he was still the same person
  • Atlas takes Elena on a trip down dark-memory lane, showing her his turmoil and reasoning for what he did in attempting to revive her. Elena is taken aback by the memories, but is understanding nonetheless. She wishes that things could have been different, and suggests that it may be time to tell Drake Chosa the whole story
  • Kenshin relives his last day spent with his parents - the last time he saw them before they were swept away in the Sonkai plague. The memories are both saddening and happy ones, and the samurai sees things that he had missed before, bringing him comfort
  • Eva and Marty visit a baby Marty, in her birth city of Hiku. The memories are fuzzy, but the pair witness a scene in which Marty's mother is handing over baby Marty to a woman from an orphanage - unbeknownst to her, this woman is actually from the smugglers' guild and Marty is taken away to be trained for a life as a criminal
  • Veda relives a special day spent with her family, a blissful moment before life become so chaotic. The memories are happy ones, and remind her of what she is fighting for, and what will hopefully soon return
  • Some time later, the floating capital city of Kureta is hit by an earthquake
  • The party rush to the tower, each realising that this is probably not a good sign
  • Harmony arrives, confirming that the time has come. Pride has gone to play her part in what's to come, as the gods battle it out for their survival
  • The party attune to their respective artefacts, and once all have done so, they can each see an ethereal path appear before them
  • Following the path outside, the party witness citizens of the city in various chaotic states. Some are brawling in the streets, others are simply crying inexplicably
  • The party follow the path into the sewers, where they begin to see crystal clear Gelatenous Cubes down various tunnels
  • They avoid the cubes as best they can, but are unknowingly herded into a chamber, jellies on all sides
  • Report Date
    21 Oct 2022
    Primary Location
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    Related Characters


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