Bennu (BEN-oo)

The Miniature Bennu has evolved from a mythic being of creation to a smaller, yet still radiant, bird that graces the island's skies.

Basic Information


Compact body with a sunburst crest and feathers that capture the essence of dawn.

Biological Traits

Feathers can emit a warm glow, and its tears are said to have healing properties.

Genetics and Reproduction

Solitary nester; engages in a ritualistic dance at dawn every five years, resulting in a single, fiery egg.

Ecology and Habitats

Prefers open skies and roosts in trees bathed in perpetual sunlight.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Omnivorous, with a preference for fruits that absorb the island's sunlight and small insects.

Biological Cycle

Cycles of activity follow the sun's path, with a mysterious disappearance at every eclipse.


Known for its cyclical life, rebirth, and affinity for high places, often seen perched where the first light touches.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Largely solitary, with gatherings only occurring during celestial events.

Facial characteristics

Delicate but robust enough for long flights.

Average Intelligence

Intuitive, with behaviors that suggest a deep connection to the island's life cycles.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Sensitive to the warmth and light, with a unique ability to navigate by solar rays.

Civilization and Culture

Gender Ideals

Indistinguishable, with both genders exhibiting the same vibrant plumage.

Relationship Ideals

Mostly a solitary creature, it forms brief connections during mating rituals that are both fiery and tender.


Non-sapient, yet exhibits a profound understanding of the island's rhythms.

Common Myths and Legends

Symbol of the perpetual cycle of life, it is said that a new Bennu arises from the remains of its predecessor.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Observed with awe by other species, the Bennu maintains a dignified distance, engaging only during its rebirth.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
From the fiery ashes of its ancestors, it now represents the gentle warmth of the sun.
Average Height
Average Weight
19.84 lbs
Average Length
Average Physique
Delicate but robust enough for long flights.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Golden plumage with hints of crimson and orange, mimicking the sunrise.
Ancient Bennu

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