Drakling Seraphel (DRAK-ling SEH-rah-fel)

Drakling Seraphel
Drakling Seraphels are miniature dragons, bearing the ancient legacy of their majestic ancestors in a more petite and wingless form. Their alabaster scales shimmer with an inner light, reflecting their pure and serene nature.

Basic Information


These creatures are small and serpentine, covered in smooth, iridescent white scales. They possess expressive faces with large, luminous eyes and delicate tendrils framing their snouts, which help them sense their surroundings.

Biological Traits

Their scales are coveted for their healing properties, radiating a warm, comforting glow that intensifies with the phases of the moon.

Genetics and Reproduction

Mating is a rare event for Drakling Seraphels, shrouded in mystery, with the birth of their offspring coinciding with meteor showers that light up the night sky.

Ecology and Habitats

These creatures favor secluded glades and crystalline springs deep within ancient forests untouched by time.

Dietary Needs and Habits

They forage for moonberries and drink from the dew collected on leaves, believed to be imbued with the magic of the land.


Drakling Seraphels are curious yet shy beings, often forming bonds with other gentle creatures of the forest. They are known to guide lost travelers with their soft glow.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Drakling Seraphels are solitary by nature but may form a close companionship with individuals who show a deep respect for the forest.

Facial characteristics

Their faces are gentle, with a sense of innocence and wonder. Each Seraphel's face has unique markings that glow softly, like the embers of a dying fire.

Average Intelligence

Despite their size, Seraphels are highly intelligent and have a deep understanding of the natural world.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Seraphels have an acute sense of the world around them, perceiving even the subtlest shifts in the earth's energies. They communicate with a series of chirps and trills, which can convey complex emotions.

Civilization and Culture

Gender Ideals

Seraphels do not distinguish roles based on gender; they are seen as equals in all aspects of life.

Relationship Ideals

They form lifelong bonds based on mutual care and the sharing of energies, rather than physical mating.


Semi-sapient, they exhibit a deep understanding of the forest's lore and are capable of forming symbiotic relationships with the flora and fauna.

Common Myths and Legends

It is said that the sight of a Drakling Seraphel under a full moon can heal the heart's deepest sorrows.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

They are revered as forest spirits, often seen as omens of good fortune and harbingers of a bountiful harvest.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Born from the line of Celestial Drakes, the Seraphels are the terrestrial kin, embodying the purity and wisdom of their winged relatives.
Average Height
Average Weight
45 lbs
Average Length
Average Physique
Compact and agile, they are capable of swift movements and can navigate the underbrush with ease.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
While primarily white, they may exhibit soft pastel markings that change with the seasons.
Drakling drawing

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