Pegasus (PEG-a-sus)

This ethereal horse with magnificent wings has evolved into a smaller, more island-friendly size. Known for its grace and beauty, the Island Pegasus symbolizes the freedom and majesty of the skies.

Basic Information


Sleek equine body with feathered wings, each feather intricately patterned.

Biological Traits

The wings are strong yet lightweight, allowing for long flights without tiring.

Genetics and Reproduction

Mating rituals involve elaborate aerial displays; nests are built in high, inaccessible places, where a single foal is raised.

Ecology and Habitats

Prefers open skies, often found in meadows and along cliff edges, where it can take flight easily.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Herbivorous, grazing on the enchanted grasses of the island's plains and meadows.

Biological Cycle

Diurnal, most active during the day, especially at dawn when the first light touches the island.


Known for its gentle demeanor, it exhibits a curious and playful nature, especially among its kind.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Forms small herds known as 'flights,' often seen grazing or flying together.

Facial characteristics

Expressive equine eyes and a gentle, approachable demeanor.

Average Intelligence

Exhibits a keen awareness of its environment and an understanding of the island's topography.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Sharp eyesight for spotting distant details, acute hearing, and a sensitivity to air currents.

Civilization and Culture

Gender Ideals

Minimal sexual dimorphism, with both males and females sharing in the care of their young.

Relationship Ideals

Bonds formed during mating are strong and often last for several seasons.


Non-sapient, with instinctive behaviors influenced by the island's magical energies.

Common Myths and Legends

Revered as symbols of inspiration and hope, believed to carry the blessings of the sky.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Approachable and friendly, Pegasuses are often sought after by other creatures for their gentle nature and the sense of wonder they inspire.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Once a creature of myth, soaring through legends and tales, it has adapted to the island's diverse ecosystems.
Average Height
Average Weight
551.15 lbs
Average Length
Average Physique
Graceful and well-proportioned, built for both running and flying.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
White or light gray coat with shimmering feathers that catch the sunlight.
Ancient Pegasus

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