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Kelpie (KEL-pee)

The Kelpie descendants have adapted from shape-shifting spirits to actual equine creatures with sleek, water-resistant coats, able to traverse both land and sea with elegance.

Basic Information


Equine form with webbed hooves and a mane that ripples like water, even in still air.

Biological Traits

Coats secrete an oil that repels water and allows them to swim with ease; their mane can retain droplets of water that are sought after for their purity.

Genetics and Reproduction

Breeding occurs once a decade, with foals born during the spring tide, imbued with the essence of the waters they first touch.

Ecology and Habitats

Coastal areas and inland waterways, often seen galloping along the shores or standing serenely in shallow waters.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Herbivorous, with a diet consisting of sea grasses and magical herbs found along riverbanks.

Biological Cycle

Tied to the tidal ebb and flow, with peaks of activity at high tide.


Known for their playful demeanor, they are drawn to laughter and merriment.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Form close-knit family groups known as 'tides', which move together and protect their young.

Facial characteristics

Expressive eyes the color of the sea, with a broad forehead and a snout that seems to always carry a hint of a smile.

Average Intelligence

Possesses a keen survival instinct and a playful cunning in interaction with other species.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Highly attuned to changes in water currents and can sense rainfall from miles away.

Civilization and Culture

Gender Ideals

Fluid, with roles in the 'tide' determined by personality rather than gender.

Relationship Ideals

Bonds are formed based on mutual affection and respect, often lasting a lifetime.


Non-sapient, yet exhibits an emotional depth and capacity for joy that resonates with those around them.

Common Myths and Legends

Once feared for luring humans into the water, now celebrated for guiding lost sailors to safety.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Friendly and engaging, they are often accompanied by dolphins and other sea creatures, sharing a harmonious bond with the island's marine life.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Stemming from water spirits known for their deceptive nature, now playfully integrated into the island's aquatic ecosystems.
Average Height
Average Weight
881.85 lbs
Average Length
Average Physique
Streamlined and powerful, suitable for both terrestrial locomotion and aquatic agility.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Coats range from deep sea blue to foamy white, often shimmering with a spectral light.
Related Organizations
Ancient Kelpie

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