Simurgh (سیمرغ)

The Island Simurgh, a descendant of the benevolent mythical bird, has adapted to the island's environment with a smaller stature. Known for its iridescent feathers and melodic song, it symbolizes wisdom and healing.

Basic Information


Resembles a large bird with a wingspan that allows for graceful flight, feathers adorned with shimmering patterns.

Biological Traits

Feathers have healing properties, and its song is said to soothe troubled minds and mend broken spirits.

Genetics and Reproduction

Known for its rare and enchanting courtship rituals, which occur once every decade under the stars.

Ecology and Habitats

Prefers high altitudes, often found nesting atop the tallest trees or cliffs, overlooking the island.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Omnivorous, feeding on a mix of fruits, seeds, and small insects, with a preference for foods enriched with the island's magical essence.

Biological Cycle

Diurnal, with most of its activities centered around the dawn and twilight hours.


Emanates a calming presence, often sought by other creatures for comfort and guidance.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Solitary, but not territorial, often seen interacting peacefully with a variety of species.

Facial characteristics

Wise and kind eyes, a slender beak, and a crest of feathers that ruffle when expressing emotions.

Average Intelligence

Exhibits a deep understanding of the natural world and an empathic connection to the island's inhabitants.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Exceptional eyesight, able to spot details from great heights; sensitive to the harmonies of the island's natural rhythms.

Civilization and Culture

Gender Ideals

Minimal differentiation between genders in both appearance and behavior.

Relationship Ideals

Forms deep, spiritual connections, transcending typical animalistic mating behaviors.


Semi-sapient, with behaviors indicating a profound spiritual awareness and connection to the island's life force.

Common Myths and Legends

Revered as a guardian of knowledge and a guide to the mysteries of life.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Viewed with respect and admiration, often approached by others for wisdom and healing energies.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
The Simurgh has its roots in the ancient Persian mythos as a creature of great wisdom and purification. Originally depicted as a colossal bird with a wide wingspan, the Island Simurgh has become a more compact figure, yet it retains the profound wisdom an
Average Height
Average Weight
22.05 lbs
Average Length
Average Physique
Lithe and elegant, built for agility and endurance in flight.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Feathers display a kaleidoscope of colors, changing with the light and the bird's mood.
Ancient Senmurv

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