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Siúinéirí (SHOO-in-er-ee)


The Siúinéirí are the diligent and humble caretakers of Tir na nOg, often unnoticed but always treasured. Small in stature but immense in heart, they dedicate their existence to the art of caretaking, ensuring that the realm remains a paragon of harmony and order. With nimble fingers and quiet footsteps, they are the silent architects of comfort and cleanliness in the island's dwellings.

Basic Information


Brownies are diminutive, often no taller than a foot in height. They have earthy tones to their skin and hair, blending naturally with the environments they so lovingly tend.

Biological Traits

Small and spry, they are incredibly resilient and capable of accomplishing tasks many times their size through ingenuity and determination.

Genetics and Reproduction

Brownies are thought to come into being through the collective appreciation and gratitude of the inhabitants of Tir na nOg, spawning from the very essence of home and hearth.

Ecology and Habitats

They inhabit the nooks and crannies of homes, barns, and communal spaces, any place that benefits from their tireless efforts.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Brownies sustain themselves on crumbs and small offerings left by grateful inhabitants, with a particular fondness for sweet milk and honeyed porridge.

Biological Cycle

They do not age as mortals do but are reborn in cycles that align with the domestic rituals and traditions of the Tir na nOg inhabitants.


They are industrious and take great pride in their work, though they prefer to operate unseen, shying away from direct recognition or reward.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Brownies are communal, often working in family units where each member has a particular task, passing down their roles through generations.

Facial characteristics

Warm, inviting faces with wide eyes that gleam in the low light of their preferred environments.

Average Intelligence

Sharp and practical, they possess a wealth of knowledge concerning domestic arts and crafts.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Exceptionally attuned to the state of their surroundings, they can sense even the smallest disarray or the need for repair, which they swiftly set to right.

Civilization and Culture

Gender Ideals

Brownies do not adhere to human gender norms; their roles are defined by capability and inclination, not by gender.

Relationship Ideals

Brownies form bonds based on shared duties and harmonious collaboration, valuing the wellbeing of the community above individual desires.


They are fully sapient, with a complex society structured around their roles and responsibilities.

Common Myths and Legends

Tales suggest that the first Brownie was created from the very first hearthfire that warmed a home in Tir na nOg, embodying the spirit of sanctuary and stewardship.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Brownies are universally respected across Tir na nOg for their essential services. They are considered good luck and are protected and cherished by all who understand the importance of their role.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Average Height
10 to 12 inches
Average Weight
Light, often comparable to a small domestic cat.
Average Physique
Compact and hardy, built for stealth and the delicate tasks they perform.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Their skin and hair bear the hues of the earth—browns, greens, and grays—that serve as natural camouflage in their workspaces.
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