
From a distance, within the folds of a hooded cloak, or obscured by deep shadows, humanoids can be mistaken for humans. Only on closer inspection and in the ligt of day are they immediately seen for what they are. They bear the general shape of humanity, but they have startling—and often times frightening—differences. Some are taller or broader than the average human. Others are smaller, frailer. Many have misshapen features, wicked claws and fangs, thick fur or long, dank hair. Humanity is one race, humanoid races are legion.   Humanoids have their own cultures, societies, morals, values, and attitudes. These vary greatly from the general human experience. They are more than "humans in funny suits", or at least they should be in a well-developed campaign world. THe world looks vastly different through the cruel eyes of a minotaur or the bulging eyes of a bullywug. It is these differences that separate the human from the humanoid—and these differences create the greatest challenges and most fun when playing a humanoid character.   The largest difference, however, between humans or demihumans and humanoids is the soul. While humanity and demihumans have an immortal soul that dwells within them and can ascend to the afterlife in the Outer Planes, humanoids hold only a spirit within them. This spirit is able to be reincarnated time and time again, but cannot pass on to the afterlife. As such, no humanoid can benefit from a raise dead spell with a few exceptions, as noted in the individual races. They an still benefit from other methods of reviving a slain humanoid, such as reincarnate.   HUmanoid characters aren't quite the same as the human or demihuman characters you're used to playing. They often have different motivations, different world views, different limitations. They are rarely as adaptable as demihumans and far less so than humans. Additionally, many humanoid races have difficulty adapting to civilized life, being penalized by their monstrous traits and superstitions.
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