
Delera is the third planet from the sun in the Origin System. It is a large rocky world characterized by its mountainous terrain and rich mineral deposits. Despite having no moons or other satellites, Delera’s unique geological features and resource abundance make it a key focus for mining operations and scientific exploration.


Delera's surface is dominated by towering mountain ranges and expansive plateaus, with rugged landscapes stretching across the entire planet. The planet is rather large, but deep scans have shown it is less massive than it seemingly should be, and its gravity is less than expected for such a large planet.


The Iron Peaks

A vast mountain range rich in iron and other metals. The Iron Peaks are home to numerous mining colonies and industrial facilities, and have grown far more famous ever since an expeditionary force of dwarves discovered adamantine here.

The Crystal Highlands

A region known for its stunning crystal formations and rare gemstone deposits. The highlands are both a mining hotspot and a site of scientific interest. These regions are exceptionally dangerous, however, as the crystals seem to have a latent psionic power that attracts psionic creatures to them. As they lap up the energy from the crystals, they often become extremely territorial.

The Sulfuric Plains

Expansive plains dotted with sulfur vents and hot springs. This area is known for its unique sulfur-based ecosystems.

The Obsidian Fields

An area covered in sharp obsidian rocks and lava flows. This region is hazardous but rich in volcanic minerals, making it popular among miners—particularly dwarves and zerzari.



The largest settlement on Delera, Ironhold is named for its central location in the heart of the Iron Peaks. It serves as the primary hub for mining operations on the planet. The city is built into the side of a massive mountain, with structures extending both above and below ground to maximize space in the challenging terrain. Ironhold is renowned for its advanced mining technology and robust infrastructure, which allows it to efficiently extract and process vast quantities of metal ores.   Ironhold's architecture is heavily industrial, with buildings made from reinforced steel and stone. The city features extensive rail networks and conveyor systems that transport raw materials from the mines to processing facilities. Despite its industrial focus, Ironhold also has a thriving community of workers and their families, supported by amenities such as schools, hospitals, and recreational facilities.

Sulphur Springs

Located on the Sulphuric Plains, Sulphur Springs is a unique settlement known for its geothermal activity. The settlement is built around a series of natural hot springs and sulfur vents, which provide both a source of heat and a draw for tourists. The springs are believed to have therapeutic properties, attracting visitors seeking relaxation and healing.   Sulphur Springs has a distinct architectural style, with buildings constructed from heat-resistant materials and designed to withstand the harsh conditions of the plains. The settlement features numerous spas and wellness centers, as well as research facilities focused on geothermal energy and sulfur-based ecosystems. The local economy is driven by a combination of tourism, geothermal energy production, and scientific research.


Blackrock is a smaller, but strategically important settlement in the Obsidian Fields. It serves as one of the only safe havens in the treacherous environment. The settlement is built to withstand the harsh conditions, with reinforced structures and advanced safety systems to protect against volcanic activity. Blackrock is a hub for volcanic research and mineral extraction, with specialized facilities for studying and processing volcanic materials.




The main inhabits of Delera are the delerani, a resilient and industrious species adapted to the planet's harsh environment. The delarani are known for their physical strength, endurance, and resourcefulness. The delerani are relatively humanoid in shape, but are taller and much more muscular than humans, with an average height of 7 to 8 feet. They have thick, stump-like legs that allow them to cope with the planet's high gravity. Their skin is thick and tough, typically appearing in shades of dark gray or brown, while those that live in the sulfur plains often have a yellowish tinge to their skin. Many delerani also have patches of mineralized armor on their skin, which grow naturally and can be further reinforced through a diet rich in local minerals.   Due to the thick atmosphere and high quantities of toxic gases in many locales, the delerani have highly efficient lungs capable of filtering out harmful substances. They can also hold their breath for extended periods, which is particularly useful in mining operations where air quality is highly compromised. Their eyes are adapted to the dim light conditions often found in deep mines, with large pupils and a secondary reflective layer that enhances night vision. They also have a nictitating membrane to protect their eyes from dust and debris.


Conflicts and Threats

Psionic Beasts of the Crystal Highlands

The Crystal Highlands, with their stunning crystal formations and rare gemstone deposits, are not just a mining hotspot but also a site of significant danger. The crystals here emit a latent psionic energy that attracts psionic creatures. These creatures, drawn to the energy, often become fiercely territorial. As miners delve deeper into the highlands, they frequently encounter these beasts, leading to violent clashes. Expeditions must be well-prepared to handle the mental and physical assaults from these psionic predators, making the extraction of these valuable crystals a perilous endeavor.

Volcanic Hazards of the Obsidian Fields

The Obsidian Fields are rich in volcanic minerals but pose extreme hazards. Frequent volcanic eruptions and unpredictable lava flows make mining operations incredibly dangerous. Settlements like Blackrock, strategically located to support these operations, must constantly adapt to the shifting landscape. The fields are also home to volatile geysers and sharp obsidian formations, which can cause severe injuries. Specialized equipment and rigorous safety protocols are essential to mitigate the risks, but accidents still occur, leading to casualties and disrupted operations.

Sulfuric Plains Toxicity

The Sulfuric Plains, known for their sulfur vents and hot springs, are a unique ecosystem but also fraught with dangers. The high concentrations of sulfur and other toxic gases pose a constant threat to both the Delerani and other species inhabiting the area. Breathing apparatus and environmental suits are mandatory for prolonged exposure. Despite these precautions, the toxic environment can cause long-term health issues for the residents and workers. Additionally, the sulfur-based ecosystem harbors aggressive flora and fauna that can cause severe injuries or fatalities.

Iron Peaks Rivalries

The discovery of adamantine in the Iron Peaks by a dwarven expeditionary force has heightened tensions among various mining factions. The dwarves, Delerani, and other interested parties vie for control over these rich deposits. This competition has led to conflicts ranging from legal disputes to outright skirmishes. Each faction seeks to establish dominance over the adamantine mines, leading to a volatile situation where alliances are fragile, and betrayals are common. The Iron Peaks are thus not only a site of industrial activity but also a battleground for mining supremacy.

Geological Instability

Delera's geological features, while rich in resources, are prone to instability. The planet's unique composition and unexpected lower mass contribute to frequent seismic activity. Earthquakes and landslides are common, disrupting mining operations and endangering settlements. This instability requires constant monitoring and rapid response teams to manage and mitigate disasters. The Delerani have developed advanced seismic detection technologies, but the unpredictable nature of these events still poses a significant threat to their way of life.

Political Intrigue in Ironhold

As the largest settlement and primary hub for mining operations, Ironhold is a focal point for political intrigue. Various factions within the city, including industrialists, labor unions, and scientific communities, often clash over resource allocation, working conditions, and technological advancements. These internal conflicts can escalate into sabotage, strikes, or even violent confrontations. The governing body of Ironhold must navigate these complex dynamics to maintain order and ensure the continued prosperity of the settlement.
Terrestrial Planet
Origin System
Year Length (OST)
2-1/2 Years
Day Length (OST)
21 Days
Location under


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