
The fifth planet from the sun in the Origin System, Loanbula is a gas giant with a hot, molten ball of liquid for a core composed primarily of quartz and iron. The planet houses the loanbulara as its only sapient species.


Loanbula is dominated by its thick, swirling clouds of gas that envelope the entirety of the planet. The upper layers of the atmosphere are composed of lighter gases, which occasionally clear enough to reveal the spectacular storms brewing in the lower layers. These storms are driven by the intense heat from the planet's core and are capable of producing windspeeds many times greater than those found on Elaris, reaching upwards of several hundreds of miles per hour.
  Beneathe these cloud layers, deeper atmospheric regions present a more stable environment. Here, the Loanbulara thrive. The deeper atmosphere is stratified, with denser gases forming layers that function much like the oceans of other planets. The loanbularan cities are suspended within these denser gas layers, anchored by massive chains to dark, floating structures made from hardened gas compounds. Most of these structures are held aloft by strange biotech developed by the loanbulara, while some float naturally through still-unknown means.
  Loanbula has three moons, each displaying unique geological characteristics and serving as critical bases for scientific and observational outposts. These moons greatly influence the gas gian't atmospheric patterns. The largest of the moons, Terion, is noted for its series of active geysers that eject silica-rich materials into space, some of which fall back into Loanbula and eventually find their way to its molten core.
  The storms of Loanbula are not dangerous only for their high windspeeds, but moreso for the electricity that builds up and grows within them, fueled by miniscule pieces of material rubbing together and static building up within the storms. These lightning storms are extremely hazardous to anyone or anything caught within, and the loanbularans have adapted to sense them as to avoid the dangers they pose. Additionally, some of these gases cause a phenomenon when mixed that glow a bright blue color, fueled by the radiation from the molten core. The loanbularans seek these gas mixtures for their potent research potential.


The Quartz Furnace

Central to Loanbula's geological phenomena is the Quartz Furnace, an expansive region directly above the molten core. Visible as a brillian, ever-shifting light show, this area is characterized by intense thermal updrafts and radiant energy bursts that illuminate the surrounding gas clouds. The Furnace serves as a form of natural lighthouse, its glowing pulses providing a rhythmic beacon observable even from the moons of Loanbula. The spectacle of the Furnace not only captivates the eye but also plays a crucial navigational role, guiding the laonbularans through the dense, turbulent atmospheres that envelop their home.
  Due to these extreme temperatures, this zone remains almost entirely unexplored, its secrets veiled by the sheer intensity of heat that no standard protective gear can withstand. Yet, driven by an insatiable curiosity and their advanced technological aspirations, the loanbularans are experimenting with methods to explore deeper. They have turned their attention to formidable creatures known for their innate resistance to fire—such as red dragons and other fire-oriented creatures—capturing them in an effort to study and extract their thermal resilience. By synthesizing this biological fireproofing, the loanbularans hope to create suits or even modify their own physiology to withstand the harsh conditions of the Furnace, enabling them to harness its power directly.
  Mysterious shadowed forms glimpsed within the radiant chaos of the Furnace have fueled speculations among the loanbularans that there are some form of creatures, thriving in the unimaginable inferno, drawing sustenance from the raw energy and radiation emitted by the molten core. The possibility of such lift forms, adapted to such extreme environmental niches, offers potential biological and chemical insights that can revolutionize loanbularan technology and bioengineering. Efforts to capture and study these hypothetical beings are driven by more than mere scientific curiosity; there is a palpable urgency to tap into their unique adaptations. The loanbularans envision leveraging these creatures' evolutionary innovations to advance their own species, potentially leading to breakthroughs in energy utilization, environmental resilience, and even longevity, thus securing their future on their harsh world.

The Chain Isles

The Chain Isles are an architectural marvel composed of an amalgamation of denser-than-air minerals and gases that have solidified over countless generations into extensive, island-like formations. Suspended within the dense gas layers of Loanbula's lower atmosphere, these isles float serenly, stabilized by immense chains. These chains are made from a mixture of carbon and silicate compounds and are used to anchor the isles to even deeper atmospheric strata, preventing them from being swept away by the powerful currents that dominate the upper layers of the atmosphere. This anchoring system not only maintains the isles' positions but also constributes to their grandeur, appearing as monumental art pieces and a show of loanbularan craftsmanship.
  The surface of each isle is intricately sculpted, covered in deep grooves and ridges that weave across the landscape in complex patterns. These markings are not random; rather, they are believed to be the result of the planet's intense magnetic forces acting upon the mineral-rich substrates of the isles during their formation. Some scholars theorize that these patterns can act as natural maps, aligning with Loanbula's magnetic field lines. This theory has led to numerous scientific expeditions aimed at deciphering these natural engravings, which can potentially offer insights into the planet's magnetic field behavior and its effects on the atmospheric dynamics, potentially even allowing the natives to control the storms.
  These isles are more than just curiosities; they serve as critical research stations and living spaces for the loanbularans. The unique prperties of the isles make them ideal locations for studying the lower atmospheric phenomena, from the dense gas ecosystems to the energy exchanges driven by the planet's molten core. Moreover, the relatively stable platforms provided by the isles allow the loanbularans to construct sophisticated habitats and research facilities. These installations are equipped with advanced technology designed to withstand and exploit the harsh conditions found at these depths, harnessing the isles' natural stability to create a semblance of permanence in the otherwise fluidic environment.

The Singing Vortexes

The Singing Vortexes are one of the planet's most enchanting and enigmatic features, a collection of colossal cyclonic storms that traverse the lower atmosphere. These storms are not mere weather; they are natural orchestras, producing a vast range of sounds that resonate through the dense gaseous layers of the planet. The origin of these sounds lies in the intricate interplay of various atmospheric gases, each at different densities and temperatures, colliding and compressing under the immense atmospheric pressures. As these gases swirl within the cyclonic systems, they generate acoustic vibrations that range from deep, sorrowful drones to piercing, bell-like chimes, forming a hauntingly beautiful symphony that permeates the surrounding space.
  Equipped with specialized acoustic equipment, loanbularan scientists and researchers have been able to capture and analyze these auditory phenomena, uncovering a complex pattern of sonic waves that seems almost intentional in its composition. The study of these sounds not only provides insights into the dynamic atmospheric conditions of Loanbula but also has potential applications in the fields of communication and navigation. By understanding the acoustic signatures of these storms, the loanbularans hope to develop systems that can interpret atmospheric changes or perhaps even harness the storms' energy for power generation.
  However, the unpredictability of the Singing Vortexes presents a significant challenge. These storms drift slowly but erratically across the lower atmosphere, their paths influenced by deep atmospheric currents that are poorly understood. This unpredictability has been a source of both fascination and frustration for the loanbularans, as it complicates the mapping of safe routes for airship travel and the placement of permanent research stations. The ability to predict the movements of these Vortexes accurately remains a coveted goal among loanbularan meteorologists and navigators, who continue to study the storms in hopes of uncovering the underlying patterns that govern their motion.

The Mirror Seas

Beneath the tumultuous upper atmosphere of the planet lies the expanses known as the Mirror Seas. These vast pools of super-dense gases are a unique atmospheric feature, distinguished by their remarkable capacity to reflect light. The Mirror Seas derive their name from the way they mirror the chaotic, storm-lit skies of the upper atmosphere, creating visual spectacles that are both stunning and surreal. These reflections give the illusion of gazing down into a vast, light-filled ocean, despite being located high above the planet's core.
  The Mirror Seas are composed of a rare combination of heavy gases that have settled below the lighter, more volatile atmospheric layers. These gases are not only dense but have high refractive properties, which allow them to reflect light almost perfectly. The effect is similar to that of a calm, glassy lake reflecting the sky above it, except that the images cast back are the vivid, ever-changing weather patterns and brilliant energy discharges from the upper atmospheres. The visuals created are so clear and compelling that they often appear as if one could dive into another world—a serene, submerged version of the skies above.
  Navigating the Mirror Seas is a challenging endeavor, requiring technology tailored to these unique conditions. Traditional visual navigation instruments are ineffective here, as the reflective properties of the seas create disorienting optical illusions, making it difficult to discern true distances or depths. Instead, loanbularans employ special sensors that can interpret the density and composition of gases, and use sonic mapping to navigate these deceptive terrains. These sensors help pilots and navigators differentiate between actual physical barriers and mere reflections, a critical ability in this visually confusing environment.
  The scientific interest in the Mirror Seas is profound, as studying them provides insights into atmospheric layering and light behavior under extreme conditions. Researchers are particularly focused on understanding how these dense gas layers could be used or adapted for advanced imaging techniques or for creating large-scale reflective surfaces for solar energy projects. Additionally, there is ongoing research into whether these gases could serve practical purposes in manufacturing or construction within Loanbula’s harsh environments.
  Culturally, the Mirror Seas have a mystical allure. The breathtaking visuals they produce have inspired loanbularan art and philosophy, reflecting themes of perception, reality, and the nature of beauty. They are often featured in tales and songs, portrayed as realms where the sky and sea meet, a place of meeting between the known and the unknown.

The Iron Veil

The Iron Veil is unique to the intense and colatile environments near the molten core of Loanbula. This phenomenon occurs when iron vapors, generated by the extreme heat of the core, escape upwards into the cooler, lower-pressure zones of the atmosphere. As these iron-rich vapors ascend, the drop in temperature and pressure causes them to condense into a fine, dense mist. This mist, laden with iron particles, drifts through the lower atmospheric layers, creating an eerie, metallic haze that is both beautiful and foreboding.
  The presence of the Iron Veil has a notable impact on the planet's geography, particularly affecting the Chain Isles. These floating landmasses, anchored deep within the atmosphere by colossal chains, frequently find themselves enveloped in the drifting iron mist. Over time, the iron particles within the mist begin to settle and deposit onto the surfaces of these isles, coating them in a fine layer of metallic dust. This deposition gives the Chain Isles a distinctive, rusty appearance, with their surfaces shimmering subtly under the ambient light of the surrounding gas giant. The effect is visually striking, as the typically dark rock of the isles is transformed into landscapes that gleam with an almost ethereal, coppery glow.
  Navigating through the Iron Veil poses significant challenges, as the iron particles can interfere with electronic instruments and obscure visual sensors. This has necessitated the development of specialized technology by the loanbularans, designed to filter out the metallic interference and maintain functionality in the presence of high iron concentrations. Moreover, the physical buildup of iron on structures and vehicles requires regular maintenance and cleaning to prevent damage or degradation from the corrosive properties of the iron deposits.
  Scientifically, the Iron Veil is of great interest to researchers, providing a dynamic study subject in the fields of metallurgy and atmospheric sciences. Studies focus on the properties of the iron mist, its behavior under different atmospheric conditions, and its potential applications. Researchers are exploring ways to harness this naturally occurring resource, proposing methods to collect and refine the iron from the atmosphere for use in construction, manufacturing, or even as a raw material for art and decoration.
  Culturally, the Iron Veil has woven itself into the fabric of loanbularan folklore and art. It is often depicted as a mystical veil that separates the known from the unknown, a boundary between the safety of the Chain Isles and the untamed wilds of the lower atmosphere.


Skyhold Anchorage

Skyhold Anchorage is the largest settlement on Loanbula, perched atop the largest of the Chain Isles. The city is a testament to loanbularan engineering and adaptability, anchored steadfastly to the isle through a complex network of carbon-silicate chains. These chains not only secure the city against the shifting atmospheric currents but also extend deep into the denser gaseous layers below, anchoring the city physically to the dense gas layers below.
  The architecture of Skyhold Anchorage reflects the utilitarian ethos of its inhabitants, with structures crafted from cutting-edge, ultra-lightweight materials and corrosion-resistant alloys. These materials are essential, as the city is frequently enveloped in the high-iron mists emanating from the nearby Iron Veil, which could otherwise degrade lesser materials. The cityscape is dominated by sleek, aerodynamic buildings designed to minimize wind resistance and maximize stability in the often turbulent atmosphere. Each building is equipped with advanced environmental controls to maintain an internal atmosphere suitable for the residents, a necessity given the extreme external conditions.
  At the core of Skyhold Anchorage's bustling activity are its expansive marketplaces and state-of-the-art research institutions. The marketplaces are vibrant hubs of commerce, where traders from across the system exchange goods ranging from rare atmospheric minerals to biotechnological artifacts. These marketplaces are not just economic centers but also melting pots of cultural exchange and intellectual discussion, crucial for a society that places high value on knowledge and scientific advancement.
  The research institutions of Skyhold Anchorage are among the most advanced in the galaxy, dedicated to pushing the boundaries of atmospheric engineering, biotechnology, and materials science. Scientists and scholars from various disciplines collaborate in well-equipped labs and shared think tanks, exploring everything from genetic engineering to sustainable energy solutions. These institutions also serve as training grounds for the next generation of loanbularan scientists, ensuring the continuation of their society’s deep commitment to scientific exploration and innovation.


Veilgate, named for its close proximity to the Iron Veil, is a small, specialized settlement that has harnessed its peculiar environmental feature, focusing its economy and technological efforts on the extraction and refinement of atmospheric iron, a resource abundant in its harsh surroundings.
  The architecture of Veilgate is designed with durability and functionality in mind. Buildings and structures within the settlement are constructed from heavily reinforced materials capable of withstanding the continuous assault of the iron-laden mists that characterize the area. Each structure is equipped with advanced air filtration systems, crucial for maintaining breathable air within the pervasive metallic haze. These systems not only protect the inhabitants from potential respiratory issues but also ensure that delicate equipment and machinery used in the mining and processing operations remain free from corrosive damage.
  The core of Veilgate’s economy is its sophisticated processing facilities where atmospheric iron is purified and refined. These facilities are marvels of engineering, designed to operate efficiently under the extreme conditions of the Iron Veil. The refined iron and other metallic goods produced here are renowned for their purity and strength, making them highly sought after for construction and manufacturing in high-density and high-pressure environments across the system.
  In addition to its mining operations, Veilgate has developed a niche manufacturing sector specializing in the production of components designed for use in similarly harsh environments. These components include high-grade building materials, specialized machinery parts, and custom-designed environmental shields that are capable of withstanding severe atmospheric conditions. The expertise developed in Veilgate has also led to innovations in metallurgical techniques, contributing valuable knowledge to the field of materials science.


Gleamshore, nestled on a diminutive Chain Isle, harnesses its unique geographical positioning as it traverses the reflective expanses of the Mirror Seas. This settlement has turned the visual spectacle of its surroundings into a scientific advantage, focusing on optical research and the development of light-based technologies. The ever-changing light phenomena provided by the Mirror Seas create a natural laboratory for the study of photonics, making Gleamshore a beacon of innovation in this specialized field.
  The architectural design of Gleamshore is as functional as it is visually captivating. Buildings throughout the settlement are clad in highly reflective materials, which not only protect against the intense light reflections but also integrate the settlement into the canvas of the Mirror Seas. These surfaces serve a dual purpose, contributing to the settlement’s research efforts by enhancing the natural light effects and providing real-time data on light behavior. The effect is a continually shifting kaleidoscope of colors and patterns, making Gleamshore a living spectacle of scientific artistry.
  At the heart of Gleamshore's endeavors is its commitment to advancing photonics—the science of harnessing light. The settlement houses state-of-the-art laboratories and research facilities dedicated to pioneering new technologies in lighting, visual communication, and optical data transmission. Innovations developed here include advanced lighting systems that adjust dynamically to environmental conditions, and experimental communication devices that utilize light waves, offering potentially faster and more secure data transmission than traditional methods.
  Gleamshore's economy and academic pursuits are deeply intertwined, with the settlement attracting scholars, engineers, and entrepreneurs from across the system, drawn by its cutting-edge research and unique environmental interactions. Collaborations with other scientific communities are frequent, bridging knowledge gaps and fostering a vibrant intellectual ecosystem. The settlement’s products, particularly in advanced optical components and light-based communication solutions, are highly valued in various sectors, from urban development to deep-space exploration.




The loanbularans are the sole sapient species of Loanbula. They are a highly advanced and utilitarian people, deeply intertwined with the extreme environmental conditions of their gas giant home. Characterized by their resilience and adaptability, they have evolved to thrive in the high-pressure, volatile atmospheres of Loanbula, developing a robust physique and a keen intellect suited to their scientific pursuits. Their society prioritizes biotechnology and atmospheric sciences, reflecting their collective commitment to leveraging their planet's unique resources for technological and societal advancement.


The people of Loanbula prioritize scientific achievement and technological advancement above all else. The loanbularans organize their communities around research institutions and industrial facilities, which act as the nuclei of social and economic activity on the planet. This focus has cultivated a highly collaborative and intellectually driven environment where education and innovation are highly valued. Societal status is often determined by one’s contributions to scientific research or technological development, creating a meritocracy based on intellectual and practical achievements. Despite their pragmatic approach, there is a strong sense of community and mutual support among the loanbularans, despite their strong sense of selfishness and self-worth.

Conflicts and Threats

Gas Giant
Origin System
Year Length (OST)
12 Years
Day Length (OST)
24 Hours
Location under


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