The first book in the Astnyr trilogy is as follows: Worldbuilding-Editing and Re-Publish, Manuscript: Writing First Draft   Short-Story Series: Eldrinor (Notta Worldbuilding)


City of Trade

Written by AuthorChase

As seen in

The Trade City at the Sea

Beight built Seaport after the Great War. This was a guard-post for the underwater fortress that sealed Lunarius. However, times changed, and many crafters fled Ironhammer when Strection began his tyranny. Knowler and Winter helped re-locate these crafters to Seaport. The city then earned the reputation as the greatest trading port in Astnyr next to Craftport.

by AuthorChase on Inkarnate



Beight by AuthorChase on Heroforge
After sealing Lunarius in the ocean, Beight constructed Seaport in 550 AL. This city was five miles from the seal to monitor the underwater fortress and to start more trade within Astnyr. Many Mountain Dwarves volunteered to be a mechanic of submarines that would deploy for repairs every year. This was to keep the underwater seal steady and to confirm that Lunarius didn't escape.   However, Morona's followers constructed sewers 100 years after the establishment of Seaport in 650 AE. These sewers were the base of operations for the cult of the Lady of Death inside the city. The cultists released disease into the city while hidden, and the gods couldn't find them. In the meantime, the gods and military concentrated on damage control while their Scholars researched both the architecture and the Lady of Death's methods.   It wasn't until 1000 AE that Seaport became the major trading hub of Astnyr. Strection's tyrannical rule affected the crafters of Ironhammer. Most of the fled the Dwarven city, needing somewhere else to hone their craft. Luckily, they could begin operations in Seaport with the help of Knowler and Beight.  


There are four districts in Seaport, separated by bridges through the canals. These districts were called Trade, Military, Druid, and Cathedral districts.  

Points of Interest

Near the seawall was the Military and Druid district, while nearest the bridge to the city were Trade and Cathedral. Merchants, crafters, inns, and low-class housing populated the Trade district. In the Military district, the militarized force of Astnyr were trained and guards the submarines, along with providing high-class housing. The Druid district held the gardens and druid practices of the city, where they planted crops and flowers. The Cathedral district showcased all the temples and churches of the gods, as well as the graveyard.  
Druid District by AuthorChase on Inkarnate

Military District by AuthorChase on Inkarnate

Trade District by AuthorChase on Inkarnate

Cathedral District by AuthorChase on Inkarnate



Defenses of Seaport had some of the best of the realm. There were stone walls that separated the city from the outside world and also the sea, and protected them from the hurricanes until recently. However, fishers could still travel outside of the city to retrieve fish supply. Blacksmiths built many catapults that killed any of the Lady of Death's necromancers when they tried to attack the city. Ever since they invaded Magick Glades, the necromancers became more persistent in these attacks. The Clerics and Paladins did not know where these necromancers were coming from, but they at least protected the city while investigations were under way. With their magic and light, there was nothing the military couldn't protect. Though there might have been one internal weakness.   There were weaknesses within the city of Seaport, and that was the hidden sewers alchemists of Morana built. The hidden sewers within the city of Seaport, built by the alchemists of Morana, contained poison and decay that could kill any Portian. They conducted experiments on the maggots and released many diseased rats into the city proper. Knowler and his Paladins still didn't find these sewers, as there was no known entrance to them, as if they needed to be entered through magical means.

Sewers by AuthorChase on Inkarnate

  Another weakness was the northeastern wall that protected them from the ocean. Throughout the years, Lunarius sent hurricanes against the wall near his underwater sealed fortress. These hurricanes grew stronger each year, finally penetrating the wall. Seaport was left vulnerable to sea attacks as the wall laid in ruins before they could repair it. It was only a matter of time before Lunarius grew powerful enough to invade Astnyr once again.

Lunarius's Efforts by AuthorChase on Inkarnate


National Trade

Seaport was the largest trading hub in Astnyr. Many crafters of the Crafters' Guild moved to the city surrounded by the sea for new opportunities and trade. They shipped goods all over Astnyr and hired transporters for large shipments. Seaport got their food and supplies from the other cities and villages in Astnyr, helping keeping the city in good standings. However, recently Ironhammer closed off their borders, so weapons and jewels were scarce for Blacksmiths and Jewelsmiths. Even some Weavers suffered from this withdrawal.
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Cover image: by AuthorChase on Inkarnate


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