The first book in the Astnyr trilogy is as follows: Worldbuilding-Editing and Re-Publish, Manuscript: Writing First Draft   Short-Story Series: Eldrinor (Notta Worldbuilding)

War with Lunarius

Military: War


All of Astralon tries to stop Lunarius, the god of madness from taking the realm in conquest. In the end, Lunarius is sealed in an underwater fortress.

Knowler and the other gods learned of Lunarius' mission to take over Astnyr and the other realms. They did not know where this power and mindset came from, but one thing is clear. Lunarius must be stopped and the people of Astnyr saved. The gods does battle with Lunarius for fifty years until the scholars of Hystoria found a way to seal him. This method is to seal him under the sea of the island where Lunarius came back to the realm from. Knowler thinks this is the best way to stop this threat, not wanting to kill his son.
  While the cities and villages fend off Lunarius' minions, the gods lure Lunarius under the sea where Beight built a whole fortress that would be the god of madness' chamber. Strection reinforces it with extra strength, Winter freezes all entrances and exits, Nave surrounds the fortress with poisonous thorns, Justlight reinforces the thornes with justice magic, and Knowler finishes the sealing spell. With all of their efforts, Lunarius is successfully sealed within the fortress, never to return to Astnyr.

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