The first book in the Astnyr trilogy is as follows: Worldbuilding-Editing and Re-Publish, Manuscript: Writing First Draft   Short-Story Series: Eldrinor (Notta Worldbuilding)


God of Knowledge and Power

Written by AuthorChase

I will call this world Astnyr. May it prosper with my guidance.
— Knowler


Knowler is the God of Knowledge and Power. He originates from the planet of Gods and Demons, Aeftir. The Gods sent him and his brother, Lunar, to Notta to fix the problems of the planet. Notta was in a dangerous war that could change other worlds. What he saw was a planet filled with war and strife. Dark Dwarves enslaved the Tigrim to do their bidding, with many of the anamorphic race rebelling against their masters. Both races would become extinct before long if nothing was done. Knowler helped Lunar create the Dark Elves and four Naga races to bring peace to the war-filled planet. These races brought much wisdom and magic to Notta, solidifying traditions that would bring stability. After achieving peace, Knowler set out on another journey to find his purpose.  

Discovering Astnyr

Knowler by AuthorChase on Heroforge
It was not until Lunar became the Lord of Notta that Knowler questioned his calling. He was not jealous of his brother's rule; it was that he himself could do much more for himself. He left Notta with Lunar's farewells and blessings and eventually found Astnyr upon the planet of Eldabrand. It was an empty realm, only containing that which nature deemed necessary. The realm of Astnyr then became Knowler's own home.   Knowler created both Beight and Nave to help him shape Astnyr into his own kingdom. Beight, the goddess of light and beauty, made beautiful architecture and the race of the Light Elves. Nave, the goddess of love and nature, helped nature adapt to the changes Beight made, and has since become the leader of the Magick Glades druidic order. Knowler created a city of knowledge and scholars, which became Hystoria.  

Knowler's Family

Knowler and Beight join in marital union and had children. These children were Justlight, Lunarius, and Morana. Justlight was born with his godly powers, while the other two siblings gained no power except for ones they learned during their mortal lives. Knowler was proud of all of his children, godly powers or not. However, that changed when Lunarius became the God of Madness, and Morana became the Lady of Death.   The God had to seal Lunarius while Morana still roams the realm in present day. He mourned for both of his children and swore to not give in to corruption if such a time comes.  

Discovering Notta's Fate

by AuthorChase on Inkarnate
Knowler felt the connection from his brother, Lunar, vanish from existence. He feared the worst as he guided Astnyr after the Great War. If Notta was truly destroyed, the God could never go back for his and his people's safety. Beight saw this and informed Nave in the Magick Glades. Nave suggested building a monument of what Notta used to offer. Beight agreed wholeheartedly and her and Nave built the Notta monument together. Nave used her magic to turn the grass and trees around the area blue and purple as Beight built the foundations of buildings. Knowler saw the completed monument and declared a remembrance ceremony to take place each year for his brother's past civilization.  

Perks and Flaws

Knowler is one of the most valued Scholars in Astnyr along with Lunarius. He can find scholarly evidence with ease and can connect what he finds with each other. However, even with his vast knowledge, he doesn't know about the emotions of the heart and soul. Beight is the one who helps him understand this, helping him learn to put mortal needs before his own when the time calls for it. He depends highly on his fellow gods to help him rule Astnyr.  

Animal Form

by AuthorChase on Heroforge
Knowler flies through the land as a raven, seeing all with his eyes. All recognize the blue-eyed raven as he flies above them, always wondering what his destination is. However, he sometimes make stops in raven form to visit his citizens as they go about their daily tasks. He sits there just enjoying the presence of his people. His favorite destination is the monument of Notta, reminiscing of his time there with Lunar. Otherwise he will be flying to visit other gods around Astnyr.
Divine Classification
Founded Settlements
Ruled Locations

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Cover image: by AuthorChase on Inkarnate


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