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Hildenor is an island off the coast of the Eldarian continent. Measuring roughly 170 miles East-West and 300 miles North-South, Hildenor has not often had much for visitors as it is far enough north to give it a colder climate, though moderate in the summers. Covered in dense forest, rolling hills, and tall mountain peaks to the north, the island sports sheer cliffs on its western coast, as well as marshes and bogs making up much of the central lands.


Due to the topography of Hildenor, it is often wet as warm sea airs from the south meet with the cooler air of the northern ice cap causing rain most of the year. The lush greenery and cold climate have proven to be effective places for raising livestock that can traverse the rockier lands such as sheep and goats. Generally, large predators keep to the thick woods and northern mountains, but occasionally migrate to the hills in search of prey.


Mostly stable, the Hildish folk have grown accustomed to gray skies and rain throughout most of the year. The winters can be harsh, especially the farther north you go, but the large mountains keep the worst of it at bay for most of the island.   The island's lush vegetation, a product of its mild climate and frequent rainfall once earned it the sobriquet the Shining Emerald, though since the eruption of Mount Tholcan it has been called the Fading Emerald. Overall, Hildenor has a mild but changeable oceanic climate with few extremes. The climate is typically insular and temperate, avoiding the extremes in temperature of many other areas in the world at similar latitudes. This is a result of the moist winds which ordinarily prevail from the southwestern sea.   Precipitation falls throughout the year but is light overall, particularly in the east. The west tends to be wetter on average and prone to storms, especially in the late autumn and winter months. These occasionally bring destructive winds and higher total rainfall to these areas, as well as sometimes snow and hail. The south records the least snow whereas the north records the most.   Inland areas are warmer in summer and colder in winter. Usually around 40 days of the year are below freezing, compared to 10 days at coastal areas.

Fauna & Flora

Several different habitat types are found in Hildenor, including farmland, open woodland, temperate broadleaf and mixed forests, conifer plantations, peat bogs and a variety of coastal habitats. However, agriculture drives current land use patterns, limiting natural habitats particularly for larger wild mammals with greater territorial needs. With few apex predators other than humanoids and wolves, such populations of animals as semi-wild deer that cannot be controlled by smaller predators, such as the fox, are controlled by annual culling. Other species include eagles, elk, auk, bears and the wolf.   Native species of forest include deciduous trees such as oak, ash, hazel, birch, alder, willow, aspen, rowan and hawthorn, as well as evergreen trees such Scots pine, yew, holly and strawberry trees.   Much of the land is now covered with pasture and there are many species of wild-flower. Gorse , a wild furze, is commonly found growing in the uplands and ferns are plentiful in the more moist regions, especially in the western parts. It is home to hundreds of plant species, some of them unique to the island, and has been "invaded" by some grasses

Natural Resources

  • Lumber
  • Sheep
  • Cattle
  • Iron
  • Copper
  • Gold
  • Marble


The mysterious Sun Dominion city of Hyrun'Thalor has stood as long as any Hildish folk remember. A splendid walled city of marble, gold, and silver it is a stark contrast from the green and gray that makes up the landscape of Hildenor. In the Hildish tongue, it is known as Tir Tairngire, or the Land of Prophets, as Hildish folk saw the elves as the ones closest to the gods.   Most common Hildish folk are not allowed within the city. Meaning that many folk have never seen a proper elf up close. However, some time ago a group of defectors of the Dominion assisted in the building of Myrdinas which has acted as the main Hildish folk capital of Hildenor. The most powerful City-State in the realm, Myrdinas is led by a Chieftain of the Riordan clan. The Conchobhair clan has its foothold in the north east with the castle of Langforthstad. The clan Murchadha holds Clairlending, which acts as the major port of Hildenor. While generally coopertive with one another, the clans of Hildenor are not united under a single banner. Often, clan squabbles will break out leading to warfare meaning that mercenary work is quite lucrative.   To the North, the dwarves of Dehg Tarem seclude themselves in the mountains. The Hildish humans admire the Dwarves and often seek their wisdom in matters of the land and crafting. Dehg Tarem is ruled by the Four Hammer Conclave, including the clan leaders of each of the major dwarven houses. Stormwatcher, Stoneanvil, Silverblood, Gravehall clans make up the four main houses, each having their own ancestral duties to Dehg Tarem.   To the south is the Orcish town of Tuktav. The Primarily Winter Orc town has become a haven for Orc and Goblinoids across the realm. The Chieftain of the Orcish Frostshield clan typically leads the city.   The barren rocky islands to the far west contain the ruins of civilizations past. Not many know what lies there, only that the land was shattered centuries ago by catastrophic vocanic eruptions. Where the soil is not suitable for crops or grasses, not much survives these lands, making it an excellent home for those who wish to avoid detection.


  • Hildenor
    Hildenor, an island off of the mainland of Eldarias.

Articles under Hildenor


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