Salers Farm
Purpose / Function
The Salers farm gets by on the proceeds from its wheat crop, but it has been a tough few years for them. This rain probably won't help much, neither. The rest of the year, they usually plant linseed but not many people are interested in buying large quantities of linseed in oil or seed form. The Salers have considered renting their fields out to one of the smaller ranches for additional pasture.
- Jasper
- Shayla
- Jazznellie
- Mercadies
- Cleetus
- Delmont
Parent Location
Farm Animals:
- chickens
- bunny rabbits
- horses during ploughing time, rented from Oat Livery
- tumbleweeds are not normally able to take root on Salers Farm, but this has been a bad year. They started growing in the over-damp fields around mid-spring. Now they have pulled loose to roam around the fields. They wiped out all the susliks and jackrabbits. Now they are rolling for bigger critters.