BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

25 Meloragift, 4520: Queen of Ravens

25 Meloragift, 4520

  Dharra writes...  

Morning. I clean the wyvern blood off my shirt - underneath, my skin itches. As we ride, Arkomir talks about his new amulet. It was warm to the touch, and he felt "something opening up to me." Lukas identifies it as a symbol of Corellon. Arkomir also speaks of his family - his mother, practical and hands-on, and his father, the academic. On the road we are attacked by bandits. We kill the leader, but Lukas heals him after offering the remaining bandits gold to go off and choose a better path. They all choose to take the gold. 3 of them are just kids - having lost their parents to hobgoblins, they are struggling to get by. Tali, June and Kade are from Bellhaim, and we offer to take them home and help them get back on track.

    Arkomir writes...  

We arrive at Oxenhalt after dark. Jana greets us and we head to the tavern to find some lodgings. We organise food and lodgings and then Lukas, Dharra, Iago and I head over to the The Temple of Oxenhalt. Essa greets us as we make our way inside. I introduce Lucas. We all head in to see Elanil.


We enter the small chamber where Elanil is being kept. Kuskyn is here and looks quite drawn and haggard. Lukas examines Elanil then he asks for the diamond, which we offer willingly and freely. He then starts the ritual. He will signal us when ready for us to talk to her and encourage her back.


I grab my amulet and put my hand on Dharra's shoulder. I reach out with my mind to the voice that spoke to me before to ask for help and strength. Lukas begins to cast - it is a long spell. I take Elanil's hand and keep my hand on Dharra's shoulder as she sings. I notice my amulet getting warm against my chest and my hand getting warm as I hold Elanil's. Lukas turns and looks at us but we are no longer in the room of the temple, we are on a dusty plain. We see Elanil standing on a precipice ahead of us. Ahead of her, over a thin bridge is a figure - The Raven Queen . She asks us why we want her back and we plead our case. She challenges us to fight three worgs so we can claim Elanil back. The battle for Elanil's soul begins and my amulet glows gold and feels warm against my skin. We win the fight and come back to the temple - as Elanil wakes!


There is much thanking of people and we speak briefly to Elanil and Kuskyn and Essa as well. Lukas heals us and then goes for a walk by himself for a little while. Before we leave the temple - I visit Corellon's shrine.


It is a peaceful place with a faint golden glow. I take out my amulet and hold it in my hands and speak to Corellon as I do so. My amulet starts to glow in the room and I feel as though I am not alone. I feel as though I hear the sounds of the forest at the edge of my perception. I hear a voice say:

Arkomir Phinan - what is it you want to do? What is the task to which you will bend your life?
  The voice seems happy with my response. I head back to meet up with Dharra. We head back to the tavern for an evening meal and some performing from Dharra. Karth appears in the tavern and comes over for a chat. Esa presses me for details on the regime change in Belhaim and we fill her in, we will talk to Iago about that a bit more as well.  

I ask Essa and Lucas about the sigils. They do not think they are religious symbols but they certainly seem fey in origin. They feel like they may be arcane in useand he and Esa will research this. Esa and I have a chat about Pelor and Corellon and what my path may be. Lucas asks us about what transpired with the fight for Elanil's soul. He says that the other side of the precipice would contain the Queen's Garden (for those that are worthy). Dharra and Lucas head upstairs for a chat and I stay in the bar for a bit and have a chat with Esa, Karth & Jana. Once Lucas comes back downstairs, I head upstairs.


When I walk into the room, Dharra is sitting on the bed. I ask if everything is ok and she tells me she is growing scales in certain areas. She is ok - but we will continue to investigate this - and my spiritual awakening.


Dharra writes...


In the evening we ask Essa and Lukas about the sigil - they don't recognise it, though Essa says it doesn't look religious and they think they symbol might be fae/arcane. Lukas thinks it might be familiar - maybe he saw it a long time ago? Lukas also mentions a hobgoblin sect called the "Iron Shadow" - a certain, rare group of hobgoblins, mostly female, in larger groups. Like, say for instance, a female hobgoblin magic user who disappears into shadows... - encountered a couple of these - on in the streets of Bellhaim, another alongside the red hobgoblin leader.


I ask Lukas to check out the itchy patch of skin near my collarbone - he says it is a sign I have a dragon ancestor, that this is the beginnings of scales... I tell Arkomir of this, and he is supportive. Not sure who this ancestor is/was - will have to ask my family about it.


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