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30 Meloragift 4520: The Path of the Cleansing Wave

Arkomir writes...  

The Path of The Cleansing Wave

  We wake early in the morning and prepare ourselves and equipment before heading out to the Triways. We collect Devlin, Kezahr and Fafnir and head to the sewer entrance near the Triways. We wind our way through, following Alden’s directions and end up at an alcove with a section of stone in its centre. It is an elegant dwarven made door with the symbol of Ioun and The Raven Queen. Devlin and I manage to get the door open.   We find ourselves in the tomb of Melody, The Fury. There are relief carvings on the walls showing parts of her life and journey. In the centre of the room is a pool with her sarcophagus and a statue of Melody above. The pool has a regular wave which ripples across it at regular intervals. The inscription below says: Melody - The Fury 2691. Written on the walls are some excerpts from some of Melody's songs - The Lady of Freedom, Brothers & Sisters and Drops become a Wave. There are also two large dragon horns against one of the walls. Dharra takes a number of notes and seems quite emotional about being here. We close the door and head to the cemetery as Kezahr and Devlin mention there is another mausoleum there.   On a hill in the cemetery is a white marble structure overgrown with a vine. Instead of a door we see a golden coloured material giving of a faint glow. We find an inscription: Guiding Light - Heart of Belhaim - Bella 2722. As I touch the golden opening, it becomes transparent and the inside becomes lit. There is a raised section in the centre of the mausoleum with a statue of Bella, with oustretched feathered wings. Kezahr thinks that Bella may been Aesimir. The area around the mausoleum is scattered with chains. People have left chains here as a tribute to Bella and The Cleansing Wave. We decide to make our way to the island to see if we can find more of the Cleansing Wave.  

Back to the Island

  We land at a remains of a dock and make our way on a path to the ruins. As we make our way, following the rising ridge line, there is a large elaborate doorway heading into the mountain. The doorway has been smashed and broken but has been made quite traversable. I shoot an arrow of light into the room and we see a large hall in front of us. I reach out with Divine Sense and sense and undead creature. She appears near us and points back to the hall and says, 'Troll!'. We fight off four trolls in total and then look around for the dwarven spirit again. A kobold body is re-animated and warns us about the pool below us. Something evil is in there, a false god. As the body dies again, the dwarven spirit (Melodra) rises from it and leaves by a door heading deeper into the mountain. Looking around, we see a symbol on the floor of this hall - a brass circle with an inset of gold and a sigil of a steel fist in the centre. Dharra casts tiny hut and we take a short rest.  

Verdant Isle

  We finish our short rest and get our gear resorted. Devlin and I take a quick nap as well. Whilst I have a nap - I have the first of a series of strange and troubling dreams related to the T sigil. I wake with a start and spend some moments in reflection to Corellon to re-centre myself. We continue our investigation of the hall and adjacent rooms. We are attacked by some ooze and my sword is damaged. We do find an area that appears to be a brewhouse and we hear the sounds of water flowing below. We also have a look through the door at the top of the stairs and find an elaborate vaulted chamber that the trolls were using as a sleeping space.   We investigate the door below the stairs. Dharra makes a small prayer to Moradin and the door swings open. We light some torches and head into the doorway and find ourselves in a nicely carved tunnel (clearly Dwarven). The tunnel opens into a wider area with a circular balustrade that opens onto a circular section below. The path leading up and down has several doorways and the vaulted roof above is smooth. We head down to the bottom toward a faint red glow. As we head down Dharra notes down the names and sigils that appear on the doors (Stoneshiled, Ironbender, Deepseaker, Anvilcrack, Chainbreaker etc). The last door says Steelfist. We are in a dwarven settlement which was founded in 2692. We find a board with dates of families arrivals, marriages, births and deaths. Dharra finds Melodra's name on the list - she was born in 3011. She is the daughter of a Stonefield and a Steelfist. We discover a magma forge as well as a small piece of adamantine and some magical forge tools with Steelfist branding.   As we come out of the forge - the spirit of Melodra is there. Dharra asks if we can take the tools and she nods. Dharra takes out her lute and plays and old tune for her and she dsirects us to her reamins in her house. Her sorrow feels palpable. Dharra and Devlin decide to bury her properly - according to Dwarven rites. After a discussion between Melodra and Dharra - we return her remains to the forge wrapped in one of Dharra's cloaks. Devlin carves a stone with 'Melodra of the Long Memory' and we place it next to the forge.   We make our way back to the main chamber and head back to the shore. As we make our way down we hear the far off call of Perytons near the tower. We get back in the boat with Ken and head back to Belhaim and the Chandlerveil for dinner. We have an informal and sombre meal - with a few toasts to the fallen. Kezahr stays the night - but we all take a well deserved long rest.


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