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31 Meloragift 4520: Heading back to Oxenhalt

Arkomir writes...  

Heading back to Oxenhalt

  I am woken fairly early by Kezahr and we have a brief chat and I mention that I feel changed and that the world is opening up to me. We head downstairs to breakfast. Holly is already up and about. Dharra rises finally and heads up stairs and we let Holly and Kezahr know that we are about to leave. Holly will continue working on the house in our absence and we will leave some money with her to keep doing that. June will also look after Ginger whilst we are away.We go shopping for some armour, a sword and some other bits at the local armourer. We then head to the tower to see Moulten.   We meet Westley and he ushers us in to see Moulton. We tell him of the The Cleansing Wave and the mausoleums we have found. Kezahr has also found evidence that the first Lord Advocate of Belhaim was appointed by Lok. We urge Moulten that the history needs to be remembered and celebrated. We also tell him to stay away from the island at the moment - until we return. Moulten will oversee the reopening of access to Melody's tomb. He mentions the chest that was taken duirng the seige and we promise to keep an eye out for a Red Lacquer Chest - if we find it - we will return it. We invest 1000gp into the town. Moulten seems happy with this and offers us Verdant Isle in return.He bids us farewell and safe journey.   Alden grabs us on the way out and warns us to keep an eye out for Aldrich's crew when we are in Confluence. Aldrich’s crew were the Manor Crew from the siege fight. Kezahr also catches us before we leave and gives us a superior healing potion. She also hands us some folded sheets of paper with more of the history of the Cleansing Wave.We gather my new armour, our horses and head out of the town.  

Back on the Road

  We leave Belhaim via the Western gate, which is still receiving repairs and aim for the Cleansing Wave symbol between here and Oxenhalt. We will investigate this and then rest there that night. By late afternoon we find the camp spot near the Cleansing Wave symbol. I say a quick prayer to Corellon and then touch the door. It creaks and after some more pushing on the door it opens. I sense a small area within the space that seems consecrated.   Heading in, we find ourselves in a waystation. It has five alcoves (one for each of The Cleansing Wave presumably) and a sunken section in the centre of the space. The word 'Bella' is written on the wall. We find a Dwarven firestarter and pocket that for use later. We work out a way toi close and open the door from inside, so we decide to stay here for the night. We settle the horses and I do a spot of hunting, killing a bear as well before returning for the night. Dharra leaves some carved pieces and we write on the wall:
Dharra & Arkomir - 31 Meloragift 4520 - Remember the Cleansing Wave - ‘Drops become a Wave’
We also include the names (and dates) for the members of The Cleansing Wave. I take the bed and we take a long rest. During the night - I have a restful sleep but I get glimpses of the troubling dreams again. As i wake up, I hear something outside in the room. There are some spiders in the room - with one poised over Dharra. We somehow manage to defeat 5 spiders and an Ettacap and then complete our long rest.


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