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5 Erathisway 4520: Confluence - The Ball

Arkomir writes...  

Shopping for Clothes

  We are awoken after what seems far too short a rest by some knocking on the door of our room. Dharra opens it and Captain Figgis is here ready to go shopping. Katya stays behind, keeping a low profile while we meet Figgis downstairs. We head behind The Lively Grotto through the west part of the Fracture and up into Sweetwater Heights. The streets are a bit more orderly in this part of the city. Almost next to the gate out to the Stoneway she points out Grit's Tailoring for Dharra and she heads off to organise her clothes. Figgis and I head a couple of blocks away to Silk & Satin.   Dharra heads into Grit's and it is quite a small shop for this part of town. She is met by a younger female dwarf, who calls out to Grit to arrange the clothes. They get in to a fairly in-depth conversation about design, colour and details. She asks about getting her family crest and some Moradin details added as well. Figgis and I head back a couple of blocks and make our way to Silk & Satin. It is a tall building set in between a couple of others and quite wide and opulent. We are met by a young female attendant who arranges a shirt, cape and trouser ensemble for me in a nice chocolate brown. I also arrange a fixing for the bag of holding at the back of the trousers. I will come back to the store at sundown and she will help me dress and escort me over to the ball. I will meet Figgis at Electors Square just after sundown. She also offers to carry my sword for the night so that it will be in the ball with me. I finish up and head out of Silk & Satin and meet Dharra just outside Grit's and we head back over to the Arcanum.   We meet Olivia at the front door just as they are opening up. She heads back inside to get Gelatra for us. We ask about the spell book we showed her previously. The Academy is willing to offer us a bounty for the book and we will also get access to another level of items in the arcanum. We decide to return the book to Kezahr in Belhaim but we will still get access to some new items in the arcanum. If Kezahr has no need of the book we will return to the Arcanum. We show them the two potions, scrolls and the glaive we found in the Oni's lair. There are two scrolls rolled together. The first is divine in its aspect, Guardian of Faith, and the second is a little more powerful, Teleportation. She studies the glaive and deems its power came from the previous wielder but it is still a magical weapon. The potions are a potion of comprehension and an elixir of health. We also have some nice chainmail and a ring of acid resistance. We sell the glaive and the chainmail. I purchase an amulet of proof against detection & location and Dharra purchases a brooch of shielding and a ring of evasion. We also arrange for my scabbard to be white, as per Figgis' request. On the way back to the Grotto, we get my breastplate cleaned up for tonight. Dharra goes to the Spectacular Eye to find some Dwarven jewellery. She purchases a golden cuff for her wrist with some dwarven engravings.   After much shopping, we head back to The Lively Grotto for as much rest as we can. We finally achieve a long rest.   Upon waking, Dharra starts to learn the songs she is to perform. Gritmar drops off her clothes for the ball and Dharra gets changed ready to go. Dharra has a quick prayer to Moradin to aid in her performance tonight. We pick Katya's brain about ball etiquette and she gives us a few tips. I adjust my equipment and we head back out to Silk & Satin to collect my clothes pre-ball. I get fitted for my clothes and put my travelling garments in the bag of holding, which gets attached to the trousers at the rear. After final adjustments, we head out for Electors Square.  

The Confluence Ball

  Electors Square is bustling with quite important folk tonight. The most senior priestess from Corellon is heading into the ball tonight and I notice a dwarf from the temple of Moradin heading in as well. Dharra meets up with Thicoul at the Temple of Kord. I greet Figgis and hand off my sword to her to wear for the evening. We head across Electors Square there are a contingent of elves, dwarves and other races entering the ball. Someone from the academy is checking folks as they enter. We enter the palace grounds and through to the palace, it is all very ornate and grand. Music is drifting softly over the crowd as we wind our way forward. As we make our way into the palace we find ourselves inside a large ballroom. There is a small stage area on one side and on the other tables with food and drink as well as waiters moving about serving folks. As we enter there is a courtier to one side who announces folks as they enter the ballroom.   Just before we are announced, Gelatra and Olivia from the Arcanum are announced. Dharra, Thicoul and his group are announced next. The feeling in the room is generally curious to his arrival. Figgis and I are announced and we all move deeper into the main room. The room itself is quite opulent and has quite large arched windows letting in a bunch of moonlight. The stage area is raised so that everyone will have a good view of the performers. Some tables are arranged to one side with crisp white linen and at one of the room is a bar. There is also a small dais off to one side which would be for the Elector when he arrives.   As we wander about the room, Dharra notices that Arabella, her previous master is playing. Dharra is to perform whilst Thicoul is speaking to the Elector. To get herself ready, she moves closer to the performance area and is spotted by Arabella. They greet eachother and fill themselves in on how they arrived here. Arabella has some news about her time on the road and she shows Dharra a small room where she can get herself setup and ready to play.   Eldrin Treshonne, the Leaf of Foresthome, is to be at the ball tonight. He resides in Confluence and they speak on minor matters on Foresthome's behalf. I allude to Figgis about things that may be brewing in ForestHome. We pass a guy wearing a blue sash and Figgis tells me he is Burghred Voltarren, Lord Advocate of SoutheWest March. There is younger guy wearing a similar blue sash who is Ulfric Flussman, Lord Advocte of Middle Westmarch. They are important men with a difficult job. We finish our drinks and head onto the dance floor to 'put on the full show' as she puts it. A couple of people are definitely taking notice of us dancing, including Niam, the shop attendant from Silk & Satin. The High Priest of Moradin, the high Priest of Kord and the High priest of Erathis are definitely keeping an eye on Thicoul during tonights proceedings.   Figgis and I head for a table of snacks and approach a young woman Figgis knows. She has short red hair and is wearing a yellow silk flowing gown. She carrying a staff with an owl on top of it and Figgis introduces her as Funi "The Answer" Umoweahl. We have a chat about all things knowledge and the academy and she is happy to meet us tomorrow and maybe help us with access to the academy library. She is also aware of Kezahr and we have a chat about her as well. I invite her to come and stay with us in Belhaim and catch up with Kezahr.   Another announcement occurs and the delgate from the academy enter the room. Pozohr The Flame and their consort enter the ball. Thicoul heads over to Dharra and says that the Elector is close to arriving. I have a brief message with Dharra and it would seem that Corelle is here with Pozohr. She is making sure he has a good time but she is possibly not entirely enjoying herself or his attentions. As Figgis and I are dancing, we bump into Corelle and Pozohr and we introduce oursleves. I make it clear to Corelle that she knows that I am in the room if she needs a friendly ear.   Thicoul meets up with The Leaf. Another announcement is made and Elector Vaihl Taddarev, fifth of his line, Mayor of Confluence, Elector of Westmarch finally joins the party. He is accompanied by Hunald Fleetfoot Electors master of revels and Baerk Studder, Electors Huntmaster, and a small entourage. Thicoul makes sure he ends up on his path and they exchange words. Pozohr stops him and they shake hands. Some of the other folk in the room make sure they do the same as well. Figgis and I station ourselves on his path as well and he has a brief chat with us. I pass on greeting from the people of Belhaim and he has a brief chat with us. People definitely noticed that happen. He moves on and heads up to his dais.   A couple of songs later, Thicoul makes his move to go to the Elector and Dharra starts her set. During a break in songs, Dharra messages Figgis and tells her that a tall human put his coat over his arm and disappeared through a staff door. Figgis and I head toward that part of the room. She has a chat to a couple of the guards there and one of the guards heads through the door and the other is now on alert. Dharra continues with her set and has really hit her stride whilst the Elector is listening to Thicoul. We head back to the main part of the room and are met halfway down the room by a young female guard. She reports that some people are requesting entry to the ball and their names are not on the list. We head out to see who it is.   At the main door, we see a group of people. Near the front is a human man with short wavy blond hair and a strong jaw. He has an instrument on his back and is very well attired. He is holding a scroll and talking with the guards. He bows and addresses Figgis. Figgis reads the scroll and this man is from the Duchy of Mirellion, south of Foresthome. The region of Mirellion is known for magic. He is travelling with a gnomish woman, quite old but sturdy who is carrying a satchel. A bronze dragonborn is also with them. However, the human woman in front is of most interest. She is dressed in a simple white and gold dress that hugs her figure. She smiles at Figgis and myself and we feel almost smitten. She is Isadora Giordano and she is looking to gain entry to the ball for herself and her party. Figgis seems to know them and after a brief chat, she grants two of them entry only. Isadora and Ellodie, the gnome, enter the ball. There is a general hubbub of murmurs as these new arrivals enter the room.   Thicoul seems to think it may be good news as they are more allies than not. Dharra is still killing it with her set. Isadora and Elodie make their way up to the Elector's dais. Isadora greets Thicoul and the Elector. The Leaf is paying attention to all of this and makes his way to the Electors dais as well. They are having some serious discussions but also enjoying themselves. Figgis and I are standing off to one side of the dais and the Lord's Advocate are trying to get in it as well, but to no avail.   One of the guards comes and finds us. He whispers in Figgis' ear that there is someone else at the door so we head out again to see who this could be. There is a tall hooded figure and a smaller elven figure just inside the door. They hand over their credentials. They are Jarmash the Seeker of Mol Gentra and The Blade of Mol Gentra. They are looking for Katya and me and want us arrested for attempted murder. Figgis swears under her breath as I try to turn around to avoid detection. Jarmash recognises me before I get to turn around. Figgis clears her throat, their credentials seem in order. She calls over a couple of her guards and she asks them to get Eldrin Treshonne & the Elector. The Elector will have sway in this matter as it is his palace. Dharra messages me and Thicoul. Thicoul is heading with the Elector, The Leaf & Isadora to the main door. Dharra hands things off to Arabella and heads there as well. I hear Isadora in my mind and let her in on what this is all about and she appears to be on my side for the moment.   The Elector fires off the discussion. Figgis suggests that this is neither the time nor the place to sort this out. She also lays out that I was unaware of what I was accused. I am trying to outwardly show no signs of panic and am trying to show that I am calm. Eldrin verifies the credentials as well and the Elector asks if there is a trial or do they just cut my head off. He does acknowledge the sovereignty of Foresthome, but also we are currently in Confluence and certain rules and sovereignty need to be adhered to here as well. The Elector addresses me as he would like to understand my position before he decides what to do. He gestures to a small ante room nearby and he, Baerk, Katlyn and I enter this room for a discussion. He sits and I tell him my version of events. After I tell my story, he calls for Dharra, Funi & Isadora to join us. Dharra and I lay out what we would like to see happen. We want Pharom's plan brought to light. Isadora tells us that Elven Pure is still just a small faction. The Elector asks if could take The Blade in single combat and he thinks it might be a good time to draw out Pharom. He stands again and walks out of the room back to the Seeker and the Blade.   The Elector points out that I have the right to defend the charges brought against me in single combat. He suggests Myriad Plaza at noon tomorrow. All parties agree and he motions everyone to go back inside and continue with the Ball. He says to Figgis that they will talk later. Thicoul offers his hand to me and charges me to 'bring this fucker out'. We head back in to the ball and try to enjoy the rest of the proceedings. Dharra has a chat with Funi and I ask her about the Guardian of Faith scroll we found and if there is a way that I could access it. She thinks I would need to read the scroll and its us may be speculative.   Whilst I get drinks, Dharra asks about a bunch of the magical things we have found or fought in the city. Figgis and I then share a slow dance and there is a better than even chance that I will stay with her tonight. Dharra joins the band again and she plays a song about she and I as well as 'Drops Become a Wave', which is fast becoming a favourite of mine. As I step away to get another drink, Isadora talks to me in my head again. With her help I message Katya to let her know of the events of tonight and tomorrow. The ball slowly starts to wind down and we start to make our way out of the palace. We say goodnight and goodbye to all our new friends. Dharra heads out with Thicoul and then back to The Lively Grotto, escorted by Thicoul. Figgis and I head back to her quarters at the guardhouse. As we head off, Corelle sidles up to me. She wishes me well before Pozohr drags her away again. Dharra and Katyta enjoy a nightcap and then Dharra heads up to take a long rest.   Figgis leads me through the city down toward the Spectacular Eye to a large building on the city wall. We climb a stairway on the side of the building and head up to her apartment, a sign on the building says Riverview Orphanage. It is a tiny but cozy place of two rooms including a small kitchenette area and a small unadourned bedroom. We undress eachother and find ourselves in bed.   As I drift off to sleep, I get a message from Anoz. I fill him on what is happening and he replies to not kill the Blade. During the night it rains quite heavily. Dharra wakes and has a chat with Katya. Dharra quizzes her about Pharom. She states that he is perhaps too sure of his abilities than is warranted. He thinks himself more skilled, more charming, more capable than he actually is. She urges Dharra to be careful as Pharom is not an unimportant man. Also, killing the Blade will just send another on our trail. Revealing Pharom’s true motives may have some bearing on things moving forward. The Blade, as an instrument of Mol Gentra is not interested in loopholes in law. They are more inclined to follow the letter of their orders than anything else. In theory, this duel should be between me and Pharom than bringing forth the mechanisms of Mol Gentra.   I also wake in the night hearing the rain beat down on the roof.


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