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A Welcome back to Oxenhalt



After sleeping in for a time Dharra Boulderfoot and Arkomir Phinan arrive at Oxenhalt. They drop their horses at the Serpent and Unicorn.

Dharra finds the Bard Jenna Bauerfeld is here and updates her on tales of The Cleansing Wave. Jenna tells her of a song called "Hunting Winter", perhaps about the Cleansing Wave hunting a dragon after the death of Melody. Arkomir goes and speaks to Essa at The Temple, again sharing details about recent discoveries.

Essa tells Arkomir that the Cleansing Wave contributed to building the elaborate temple in Oxenhalt. She also shows him the statue in the town sqaure. It depicts Bella and Glade.

Dharra plays with Jenna at the tavern that night. She spreads the word of the Cleansing Wave some more. She also attempts to gather more information from any of the citizens that have stories.

Later, Arkomir tells Dharra of the troubling dreams he has started having.

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