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The Arcane

Biographical information provided in summary form from at the Academy of Arcane Arts and Letters in Confluence under direction of Pozohr "The Flame".

Glade was a powerful wizard who was born in the Dryft Empire in the 2600s. He was originally trained as a member of the Dryft Czar's Slavebreakers, but later abandoned his given name and adopted the name Glade when he joined The Cleansing Wave. In 2687 or 2688, Glade arrived in the region now known as Khurabil, and he was present when Nullatrix, the Night Terror, was killed north of what is now Battervold, causing the House of Night, the ruling and military structure beneath Nullatrix, to fall.


Dusk, formerly a member of the House of Night eventually joins the Vanguard as a result, about a year later.


In 2689, Glade and several others built a tower at a place they called Bel Heim, which is now known as Belhaim. In 2690, he was part of a consortium that killed Mervygrus, the Sylvan Plague, at its stronghold in what is now Mol Vathis. He also helped negotiate the sovereignty of Foresthome (also called Taurë mardi). In early 2691, Glade assisted in driving Giants, Goliaths, and Goblins south and west from the northern parts of Earthspine with Dwarven allies, and later that year, he hunted and killed Bikorreth, Winter's Hunger, with the Cleansing Wave.


During 2692, Glade built a tower outside of Belhaim itself as a home to seek his own space for reflection and study. He also visited the site of Steinwark often during its early construction, starting in 2693, to protect the workers while the initial wall was built. In 2708, Glade founded a small town called Glade's Folly, where he lived for a while, protecting it and ensuring sufficient infrastructure existed to support ongoing growth. He chose the location because of the existence of an ancient Elven bridge that existed at the site, and the defensible hill on the eastern side of the river. Glade always maintained trade between the Kordway and Belhaim would not be safe and reliable until a settlement there helped secure the region.


In 2712, Glade married Evariel of Mol Vathis, who had been at the attack on Mervygrus, and they remained devoted to each other for the rest of their lives. It is otherwise not clear how they met, but Glade had been travelling into Foresthome regularly in the years since that battle. Around eight years later, in 2720, Glade took his first formal apprentice, Travienne of Fes Tureil. He spent much of 2722 working on the construction of a suitable tomb for a friend named Bella. A death that seemed to effect him greatly.


Around 2781, Glade took a second apprentice, Mirella of Port Zaram, who was known to be incredibly magical and beautiful. Their relationship was more contentious than the one Glade had with Travienne, and there are rumors of an affair between them. However, there is little evidence to support this, and Glade and Evariel remained devoted to each other throughout their lives. Mirella and a group of adventurers were seen fighting the Dragon Lapidra, Tempest's Wrath, out past Steinwark. It seems many of the group were killed and Mirella disappeared into the south as far as anyone knows.


In 2792, Glade took another apprentice, Rosalie Brightfoot by all reports from near Mol Gentra. Around 2795 Rosalie left the formal apprenticeship and began travelling more widely, though maintained a strong relationship to Glade. In 2796 Rosalie travelled to the Dryft empire and her ship was lost on the return journey.


In 3100, Glade and Evariel attended the celebrations of the year in Port Zaram, where they, along with Travienne, announced the founding of the Academy of Arcane Arts and Letters. Launching it as a place to not only teach arcane subjects responsibly, but to also be a higher level educational and arcane resource for the community.


Glade died during 3178 after traveling back from the Academy to his home. Evariel entered a period of mourning and buried his remains on the hill in Glade's Folly just a few days later. Although the whole town attended the funeral rites, it is said only four figures stood upon the hill and dug the grave themselves, refusing help from the townsfolk.


Evariel died in 3201. By this time she had rarely been seen away from Belhaim or the home she had shared with Glade for some time.


Travienne continued to live at Glades tower until 3235 when he left to oversee the Academy in Port Zaram, never to return. In his later years, he simply roamed the campus, encouraging students and imparting words of wisdom. It is said that he often talked about opening another campus, perhaps in Battervold, Steinwark, or the fledgling town of Confluence just to the north.

Other Ethnicities/Cultures
Venerable at time of death
Year of Death
Dryft Empire
Aligned Organization
Founded Settlements


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