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Elves are classified into 2 main subraces, but from there they branch into further smaller ethnicities depending on region. Elves can be as numerous and varied as the humans of Elyria, but they still retain their elongated features.

Wood Elves:


Thorlag Elves (rare)

  Red of hair and wild of heart, they enjoy travelling and exploring, and have a +2 to CON stat instead of DEX. As well as a resistance to lightning damage. Commonly hailing from The Rikhross 

Iina Elves

  These elves are dark of skin and stocky, and often have dark hair and eyes, though it is not uncommon to see iina with red or orange eyes. These elves are found largely in Ile-Ile and in Hwt-Ka-Ptah 

Si-Muang Elves

  These elves are also found in the Han Territories, mostly in the The Saileud region. They have golden-bronze skin and warm, dark eyes. They are the friendliest of the elves, and are often looked down upon by the Gekko for ‘giving themselves away’ too easily.

Plousian Elves

  Found largely in the Echaea region. They are as varied in appearance as the humans of this region. They have skin that ranges from tawny to fair, and hair that ranges all shades of brown and blonde. Their eyes are often brown, blue or green, but rarely grey.

Coatl Elves

  The elves of the Yana Inti , they are ferocious and tough, and some say they are a little crazy. But they are excellent warriors and vicious fighters. They have a +2 to CON instead of DEX, and are resistant to fire damage. It is said that the some of the yuan-ti are descended from Coatl elves that went mad.

Adahy Elves

  The elves of the Alo . They are tanned of skin and dark of hair, and are very fast and have a high endurance due to the nature of the people. Speed increases by 5ft and CON and DEX stat +1 each instead of DEX +2.

Dagri Elves

  They live largely in the forests of Lievona , they are found in Clarette societies too, but they don’t get along. These elves are typical of wood elves, dark hair in shades of brown and sometimes green, and eyes to match.

High Elves:


Hrimlag Elves

  Very pale and slender elves, found almost exclusively in the The Rikhross , they are rather haughty, even for elves, and they have a greater distrust of dwarves than most other elven folk. The Hrimlag elves have a resistance to cold and psychic damage but are weak to fire.

Kha Elves

  Elves found in Hwt-Ka-Ptah . They have tanned or bronze skin and dark hair, sometimes also golden eyes.

Gekko Elves

  These are found in the Han Territories , and are very pale, with porcelain skin. They tend to have darker hair like ink and eyes of bronze or silver.

Roshanee Elves

  Probably the most beautiful of the elven ethnicities, their skin ranges from tanned to dark, and their eyes are all almond shaped with long lashes. Their eye colour is typically brown, grey or amber, and their hair is usually dark. The Roshanee also train some of the greatest bards in the Han Territories, though most hail from The Vassa .

Clarette Elves

  The Clarette elves are the most stereotypical high elves you can imagine. Tall, graceful and slender, but also haughty and condescending to others who are not of equal blood. They have their own cities and societies in Lievona , and they let in other races out of a need for trade and commerce, rarely if ever out of amicability.


  The drow have skin of grey, blue or purple, and eyes and hair of black or silver. Drow can be found most places, but the bastion of Drow society is within the Rikhross, a kingdom called Xukuth .


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