Session 119 Report Report in Embril | World Anvil

Session 119 Report

General Summary

On the morning of January 1, 500 AV, Haymin’s Heroes ate breakfast with King Haerodian Ormyr of Kainan. The king asked them about how they met and they spoke a bit about their adventuring career. After breakfast, the party spoke with Thomes Bolen about the upcoming feast in their honor. They asked if they could invite their friends and family and Thomes told them they could. Then they went back to their rooms to catch up on the sleep they missed the night before.   When they awoke they had lunch and discussed returning to Rowadin to inform Haymin Stone and the others about the feast. It was decided that Selia Roselyn Maxwell would Teleport to Rowadin with Titta Morco, Ladigo Farthon, and Mogi Delvin. Kyrie Eleison Thatcher-Stone, Auren Sylynn, Pyzar Zim, and Traegandar would remain in York at the palace.   In Rowadin, Selia and company caught up with everyone at Heroes for Hire, letting them know exactly what their last mission entailed. They invited Haymin, Jenivar Albyn, Belpher Burrows, Astri, Hannah, and Patch to the feast. They also asked Jenivar to speak with Lady Dyora Albyn, to invite her as well. Then they went and found Amanaxis at the Magic Temple and invited him as well. They also informed him that they found The Grimoire of Lost Souls again. When they were done, Selia returned with Titta, Ladigo, and Mogi to York.   That afternoon, the party visited Kyrie’s mother, inviting her to the feast also. They told her that they were successful with their recent mission, preventing an assassination attempt on the king. This was the story the crown would tell the public, deciding to hide the details of the singularity bomb and the Black Requiem.   On January 2, 500 AV, Titta, Selia, Kyrie, and her mother went shopping for new dresses to wear to the feast. They spent the day trying on dresses and having alterations made on their selections. When the dresses were ready and they purchased some jewelry and accessories, the ladies returned to the palace.   On the morning of January 3, 500 AV, Selia returned to Rowadin for the party’s friends and family. Dyora and Amanaxis helped Teleport everyone to York. Thomes Bolen arranged for carriages to meet them at the entrance of the city when they arrived and take them to the palace. That evening, Haymin’s Heroes were honored at the feast by King Haerodian. They all had a great time mingling with the Kainish elite.   The next morning, Haymin’s Heroes and their friends returned to Rowadin. But shortly after they arrived, the party teleported with Amanaxis and Thomes Bolen to the Tomb of Horrors. They dug through the mound of earth that led to the long hallway. At the end of the hallway they found the devil face with the Sphere of Annihilation in its mouth. They took out The Grimoire of Lost Souls and Auren attempted to toss it into the mouth. But before it touched the blackness within, they witnessed the book disappear.   After returning again to Rowadin, Haymin’s Heroes decided to take time off for the rest of the winter. Selia spent several days scribing a series of scrolls. The rest of the party came up with a list of magic items they wanted her to enchant for them during their time off.
The Heart of Embril
Pyzar Zim
Auren Sylynn
Titta Morco
Mogi Delvin
Ladigo Farthon
Kyrie Eleison Thatcher-Stone
Selia Roselyn Maxwell
Report Date
18 Apr 2023


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