Session 138 Report Report in Embril | World Anvil

Session 138 Report

General Summary

Kyrie Eleison Thatcher-Stone cast Miracle, using it to cast Scry. She sought Madame Inness and found her, but her surroundings were not all that familiar to Kyrie. Inness was in a market square, but it was not in Rowadin. Auren Sylynn recognized the location however. Inness was in Karavale. Later that evening, Kyrie cast Miracle again to cast Scry. Inness was at the Hunter’s Rest finishing up her dinner. When she finished, she went up to her room. But the party learned little else.   At Auren’s suggestion, the party decided to go to Grenace, Kainan to visit the Order of the Cleansing Flame and inform them of Beldryss’ defeat. Selia Roselyn Maxwell cast Greater Teleport and they arrived just outside the city. It was one of the largest cities they’d ever seen, only smaller than West Andaria and East Andaria. They got directions and walked throught the streets, heading to the Temple of the Righeous Fire. Inside the temple to Solis, God of the Sun, they spoke with Savion Winter and a few other members of the Order of the Cleansing Flame. Haymin’s Heroes informed them of Beldryss’ destruction and produced a vial of her ashes. They explained how Brother Lu of Church had severed the curse on Auren’s bloodline, destroying the phylactery and allowing the lich to be defeated.   The conversation later moved on to the Doom Bringers and their upcoming plot on Valorous Day. They told the Order of the Cleansing Flame what little they knew of the plot, warning them that the Doom Bringers planned on striking cities all over Velen. Savion told them they would speak to the authorities in the city and their allies in other temples to organize Grenace’s defense against the Doom Bringers.   Haymin’s Heroes then visited Hero Hall, the temple of Viribus, God of Valor. They informed the clergy there of the plot as well. When they finished there, the party returned to Rowadin. Instead of heading home, they went to the Alehouse for some drinks and relaxation, while listening to the local talk.   On June 16, 500 AV, Kyrie cast Scry in the morning. She located Inness as she was getting her stall in the market ready in Karavale. After that, Haymin’s Heroes went to visit Beus Pran at his tower. Selia, however, was busy working on some magic items, so she remained at Heroes for Hire. They spoke to Beus of the Doom Bringer plot, hoping to enlist his aid in defending the city.   Shortly after they returned home, they were visited by Captain Gildar Holcot. He told them the Lady Dyora Albyn had given them authority to act in whatever way they deemed fit in the defense of the city against the Doom Bringers. They discussed a strategy for combatting the Doom Bringers and how they would deploy the cities resources on Valorous Day. When their meeting was over, they agreed to speak daily until Valorous Day, discussing anything they might learn in the meantime that would help them.   After Captain Holcot left, Kyrie had the idea of casting Locate Object to find a holy symbol to the Elder Elemental Eye. They had several and were familiar with them. They hid theirs in bags of holding to prevent them from interfering with the spell. Then they walked around the city. Not far from Heroes for Hire, a few houses down from where Inness lived, she sensed the presence of such a holy symbol. They continued walking and sensed another in another home. Then another. After three castings of Locate Object, they had found thirteen such locations, having covered most of the city.   They returned to Heroes for Hire and discussed what this meant and how they would proceed. It was decided that Auren would investigate at the largest of the homes where Kyrie sensed a medallion to the Elder Elemental Eye. They all went to Badger’s Tavern, which was somewhat nearby the house in question. The rest of the party would wait there while Auren snuck into the house. Selia cast Invisibility on Auren to help cover him.   Auren had no problem breaking in. There was nobody home at the moment. He went upstairs first to check the bedrooms. The master bedroom looked like it belonged to a Doom Bringer priest. He found a brush and pulled some hairs from it to bring to Kyrie. He found some notes that mentioned elemental monoliths and demons. He also found a map of Rowadin with some areas circled. When he was done in the house, he snuck out and returned to the party.   They returned home to discuss what he had found. He gave Kyrie the hairs so she could use them to possibly Scry the priest. After speculating on the notes and the map, Kyrie decided to use Scry. She found the priest, accompanied by another man. They were walking down the street and eventually entered the home. The priest produced a box. When he opened it, he produced a ceremonial dagger. The men were pleased with its quality, stating it would do nicely.   After dinner, Kyrie cast Miracle to cast Scry. The priest mentioned to the other that they would be arriving soon. They were preparing the house for guests. When her spell ran out, Kyrie asked Selia to use Limited Wish to cast Scry. Selia did so. There were several Doom Bringers present, discussing the plot for Valorous Day. The priest pointed out different men, explaining their assignments. The priest said that the Elder Elemental Eye had gifted them with four elemental monoliths and several demons. Kuo-toas would come from the bay with a water elemental monolith. An air elemental monolith would fly in with aerial demons. A group of Doom Bringers would accompany a fire elemental monolith. And the earth elemental monolith would come from outside the city. A few other groups of Doom Bringers would be tasked with attacking a few circled areas on the map to spread as much chaos as possible. The head priest would be in charge of the sacrifices. Three young maidens had been selected for the ritual.   When the Scry spell was done, Titta Morco decided they should invite Lady Dyora, Captain Holcot, Amanaxis, and Arnell Devons to a meeting at the house, scheduled for tomorrow. The party visited each and did so. Titta would contact Thomes Bolen in the morning with the Sending Stone to invite him as well. The party would also visit Beus Pran at his tower in the morning to invite him. They were eager to share all they had learned with their allies to better help plan Rowadin’s defense.
The Heart of Embril
Pyzar Zim
Auren Sylynn
Titta Morco
Mogi Delvin
Ladigo Farthon
Kyrie Eleison Thatcher-Stone
Selia Roselyn Maxwell
Report Date
16 Dec 2023


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