Session 41 Report Report in Embril | World Anvil

Session 41 Report

General Summary

The day before the wedding was spent picking up the dresses and formal outfits and seeing to the final preparations for the event. The evening was spent toasting the couple and drinking. Titta Morco was especially somber and melancholy due to the letter she’d received that morning and Pyzar Zim tried his best to keep her mind off of the ill news.   The next day, July 6, 498 AV, was the wedding. Everything went smoothly. Even Titta was in high spirits, putting her downcast thoughts aside. Astri and Mogi Delvin were the focus of the afternoon and early evening. And toasts to their happiness and success went on through the night, even after the newlyweds had departed the reception.   The next afternoon, Lady Dyora Albyn returned to help teleport the entire party, including Mogi’s horse, back to Rowadin. Between her and the other three wizards, they managed the large group. Once back in the city, the group split up, with Haymin’s Heroes, Astri, Belpher Burrows, and Patch all heading back to Heroes for Hire. The wizards, Lady Dyora, and Jenivar Albyn went to their respective homes.   Selia Roselyn Maxwell rushed into the guildhall before the rest and set up some last minute things in the family suite they had decorated in Haymin Stone’s former bedroom. The party gave Astri the lengthy tour of the guildhall to give Selia time to finish before taking the new bride and groom up to their bedroom. Even Mogi was surprised to see what the party had done as he found his new bedroom and living space decorated with a crib and a comfortable seating area.   Plans were then made for the next several days, giving the newlyweds time to settle in to their new home and enjoy something of a honeymoon. Sinjin Fairchild set his sights on the upcoming Eden’s Run games to be held outside the city, intent on competing and winning like he had done in Karavale. The rest of the party would look for their next job. That same evening, Selia visited the Guild of Mystic Arts and became a member.   On July 9, 498 AV, Sinjin was training at the School of the Open Hand while the rest of the party was spending time at the guildhall. Mogi was with Astri. Titta, Pyzar, and Auren Sylynn were helping Bepher and Patch with the construction work on the new stables. Ladigo Farthon was inside, as was Selia. There was a knock on the door and Ladigo answered.   It turned out to be Captain Gildar Holcot. He informed him he had bad news and requested the entire party be present. When everyone was gathered, he told them that Sinjin had been killed at the School of the Open Hand a couple hours ago. He and his men had been investigating what had transpired and learned that an unknown man, with a hairstyle like Sinjin’s had come to the dojo and spoke with Master Romgar Bellvir. Their conversation was in Escarian a language which no one at the School of the Open Hand was fluent in except Romgar and Sinjin. The conversation quickly turned into an argument and then violent. This man killed Master Romgar. He then proceeded to defeat all the other sensei’s and students who stepped forward to challenge him. Most of them were only beaten down while those with the topknot hairstyle like Romgar and Sinjin were killed. Then this man ripped their heads off and put them in a bag and left. Captain Holcot told the party that a patrol of guards went after him down the south road out of the city.   Haymin’s Heroes gave their own pursuit on horseback. After about two hours, they found the patrol. Each one of the city guardsmen lie dead along the road, their bodies beaten and bruised with blunt force. After another hour or so, the party came upon a man with a topknot hairstyle walking south and carrying a canvas sack over his shoulder.   They encircled him and dismounted. Titta told him he was coming with them to face justice for the murders of Sinjin and the others at the School of the Open Hand. He told them he was not and continued walking. Auren got in his way and asked why he killed them. The man responded, “Because they were from the School of the Open Hand, and I am from the School of the Diamond Fist.”   Titta asked him his name. Thann Tarr. Then she attacked him. Thann Tarr dodged her scimitar easily with a graceful movement. Then in a blur of motion knocked her unconscious with several precise strikes before striking Auren in the chest with a palm thrust. Auren could feel strange vibrations flow through him that made him feel almost sick. Thann Tarr then told Auren that he had struck him with the Quivering Palm and that at any point in the next two weeks he could kill him instantly. If they left him alone, he would leave them alone. Ladigo healed Titta and she regained consciousness. He warned her to leave Thann Tarr alone. Reluctantly, she told the monk they would meet again someday. He said that hopefully then they would be a challenge and began walking away. His step did not appear strained or rushed in any way, but even with his calm walking it appeared that he might outpace a horse.   Haymin’s Heroes rode back to the Rowadin, gathering the fallen guardsmen on the way. They explained what had happened to Captain Holcot and he seemed relieved to be rid of the dangerous man. He showed them Sinjin’s body so they could confirm it was him, despite there being no head. Then he told them to see the Guild of Funeral Services tomorrow to make any arrangements necessary.   On the day of Eden’s Run, July 10, 498 AV, Auren went to compete in the events as they had planned. Selia accompanied him. While he was there, he passed out one-hundred fliers he had made advertising their guild. The rest could not bring themselves to compete after yesterday’s events and instead focused on making funeral arrangements and visiting the School of the Open Hand. At the school, they spoke with Nemek Tharingar, the sensei who had come to Karavale two years before to help train Sinjin. They heard what Nemek had experienced firsthand, all the way until he was knocked out by Thann Tarr. He also told them the little he knew about Romgar Bellvir’s past. It was similar to what they had learned a while back from Sinjin about the rift at the Monastery of the Open Hand that had torn it asunder.   Sinjin’s funeral was on July 12, 498 AV. Liam Zada, priest of Viribus, God of Valor, from Trinity Hall, conducted the ceremony. Members of the School of the Open Hand were in attendance, as were Jenivar, Dyora, Amanaxis, Cantlin, Uclar, and Palathar. Even the Knights of the Valley came, after hearing what had happened; news of the attack had spread throughout the city. After the service, Sinjin’s urn was placed next to Haymin’s with his dagger in front of it.   Over the next several days, they all tried to get back to a new normal while attempting to find their next job. In the meantime, on July 14, 498 AV, a letter arrived from Aedwine Humfrith, giving them an update a month out from the events in Luthia. He informed them that Lord Victellimund Kinfield and the arrested members of the Jackals had been killed in their prison cells under mysterious circumstances. There were no witnesses. On July 17, 498 AV, the Celebration of the Gods, they celebrated Titta’s birthday with a nice dinner at home where Belpher cooked steaks. Jenivar was present for the meal and gifted Titta with a gold pendant depicting Terra’s holy symbol.   Then on the evening of July 25, 498 AV, Draven Kreeg came calling. He informed them he had a gift from the Black Widow, a lead. There was a rat problem they had discovered that she hoped the party would take care of. He mentioned that these rats could talk and had kidnapped some people for the upcoming Hollow Moon Hunt. Haymin’s Heroes agreed to look into it. The full moon was in three days and they assumed they would be facing lycanthropes. They planned to go out the next morning to inquire about silvered weapons before visiting the address Draven had given them.
The Heart of Embril
Pyzar Zim
Auren Sylynn
Titta Morco
Mogi Delvin
Ladigo Farthon
Selia Roselyn Maxwell
Sinjin Fairchild
Report Date
03 Mar 2021


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