Session 71 Report Report in Embril | World Anvil

Session 71 Report

General Summary

Haymin’s Heroes led Cleon and the adventurers they rescued away from the Petrified Cave. They journeyed to Rowadin and reached the city on January 21, 499 AV. Haymin’s Heroes invited them all to stay with them until they sorted out their situations, but the adventurers thanked them and sought out an inn to stay for the night. Cleon Denderton remained with Haymin’s Heroes.   The next day was Mogi Delvin’s birthday and he spent most of it with Astri. In the morning, Auren Sylynn set out to have more fliers made to promote the guild. The rest of the party ran some other errands.   Kyrie Eleison Thatcher-Stone, Titta Morco, and Pyzar Zim took Cleon to Trinity Hall to seek atonement. Kyrie advocated for Cleon and had him detail his situation to the temple. The clerics of Viribus, God of Valor, took him in and promised Haymin’s Heroes they would take care of him and get Cleon the help he needed. On their way out, they bumped into Jat, the former bandit Kyrie had blinded, who had come to the temple with Haruhai Sula. Jat’s blindness had been cured and he was doing well. He was working for the temple now and seemed happy to be earning an honest living. He thanked them for helping him turn his life around.   Selia Roselyn Maxwell and Ladigo Farthon sought out Amanaxis that morning at the Magic Temple. They spoke to him about devils and their encounter with Meritas and Sistina. Amanaxis identified Meritas as a falxugon, or harvester devil, and spoke to them about the strengths and weaknesses of baatezu. From there, Selia and Ladigo went to the Guild of Mystic Arts to do some further research on devils. Titta, Kyrie, and Pyzar met them at the Guild of Mystic Arts to help with the research and they all began formulating a plan on how to combat Meritas and Sistina.   That evening they all had a nice birthday dinner for Mogi. Jenivar Albyn was in attendance as well. They talked it over and decided to wait until February 3, 499 AV before leaving Rowadin in search of the Ten Crown Caravan again. Titta wanted to be home for the first of February in celebration of a family tradition she observes. This would give Selia time to research some spells that would help them take down Meritas and Sistina.   The adventurers that they had rescued from petrification had decided to join together and form the Company of Stone. They expressed interest in possibly joining Heroes for Hire once the guild was ready to accept new members. In the meantime, they would begin adventuring together, probably working for the League of Extraordinary Treasure Seekers.   For the next week, Haymin’s Heroes worked on their plan. They focused on how to draw out the devils to get them safely away from the innocent people in the Ten Crown Caravan. Selia learned the spells she needed and made some scrolls as well.   On February 1, 499 AV, Titta introduced the others to a tradition her family had shared which she called Remembrance Day. The day was the anniversary of her mother’s death and her family would get together on that date to honor and remember friends and loved ones they had lost. Haymin’s Heroes shared stories and toasts to Haymin Stone, Sinjin Fairchild, and personal friends and family that were no longer with them.   On February 3, 499 AV, they set out from Rowadin on the road south towards Kainan. They hoped to catch the Ten Crown Caravan north of the gorge and set up an ambush. On February 5, 499 AV, they found a suitable location and set down to rest. The next morning, they began preparing.
The Heart of Embril
Pyzar Zim
Auren Sylynn
Titta Morco
Mogi Delvin
Ladigo Farthon
Kyrie Eleison Thatcher-Stone
Selia Roselyn Maxwell
Report Date
09 Dec 2021


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