Session 80 Report Report in Embril | World Anvil

Session 80 Report

General Summary

Kyrie Eleison Thatcher-Stone cast Raise Dead on Beus Pran on the morning of March 19, 499 AV. The wizard’s body healed and he came back to life. He was grateful to Haymin’s Heroes and asked if Lady Dyora Albyn had sent them. They told him about all the rooms they had been in and the foes they encountered. The men who had killed him were from the Mystic Archons, a powerful mage guild that rules the city of Talith in the North Gaer Coast. Haymin’s Heroes asked him what it was that they were after. Beus Pran told them it was complicated.   Kyrie healed him fully and they all ate breakfast. When they were done, Beus Pran led them through the shifting rooms in search of the missing tiles. In the sitting room, Beus Pran reached behind a portrait of him that hang above the mantle. There he found a tile inscribed with his arcane mark. The party was not expecting this tile, just two more letters. Those was the letter N, found in the neck of the stone golem, and the letter R, found hidden at the base of a statuette of a roc inside the chest guarded by the iron golem. None of these guardians attacked the party as Beus commanded them to stand down.   He took all nine tiles and inserted them into the control board on the wall in the same room as the chest and iron golem. Once he did so, putting them in the correct order, the rooms were once again properly aligned and they could enter the stairwell room at last. Beus Pran rewarded them with some coin to cover the cost of the Raise Dead and also presented them with a Bag of Holding.   They then all left the tower and returned to Rowadin. In the city, Beus Pran went to the Golden Vault before presenting Haymin’s Heroes with even more coin as a reward. Then the party returned home while he continued on to the Guild of Mystic Arts.   The party rested for the next few days and split up their profit from their adventure. On the evening of March 21, 499 AV, Vanimelda returned home and encouraged Selia Roselyn Maxwell to come and visit soon.   March 22, 499 AV, was the Spring Festival and Auren Sylynn’s birthday. That morning, the party received a surprise visitor, Merrywind Onyx. He handed them all invitations to his upcoming play, “A Bard’s Tale,” and insisted they all had to come. It promised to be his magnum opus. The show would be on May 17, 499 AV, at the Legacy Theater in West Andaria, Kainan. Haymin’s Heroes promised they would be there.   That evening, there was a dinner party at Heroes for Hire in celebration of Auren’s birthday. Lady Dyora, Jenivar Albyn, Merrywind, and Amanaxis were all there. They enjoyed good food, drink, and shared stories of their adventures with Merrywind. In the course of the conversation, Merrywind told them that he had first heard the song Kyrie was named after from Brother Lu in Church. Merrywind then took the melody and chorus and made up his own lyrics. Haymin Stone learned the song from him.   The next day, the bard returned home to West Andaria and Haymin’s Heroes decided to take some time off while Selia learned new spells. On April 3, 499 AV, their break ended when a mysterious man knocked on the door, holding one of the flyers Auren had been distributing.   He introduced himself as Norat Shae and had come to discuss business on behalf of one Lord Darkhold. He asked them to meet with Lord Darkhold tonight at his manor. His instructions were peculiar. They were to arrive at dusk, no earlier and no later. Lord Darkhold was very punctual. He gave them directions to the Darkhold Manor and told them that if they left within the hour, they should reach it at the precise time. Norat Shae also told them to keep an open mind about the meeting. As a reward for simply agreeing to speak with his lord, he handed them a bag containing 100 scepters.
The Heart of Embril
Pyzar Zim
Auren Sylynn
Titta Morco
Mogi Delvin
Ladigo Farthon
Kyrie Eleison Thatcher-Stone
Selia Roselyn Maxwell
Report Date
08 Mar 2022


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