Session 84 Report Report in Embril | World Anvil

Session 84 Report

General Summary

Bram Invictus stood before Haymin’s Heroes, well dressed, a holy symbol of Mortem, God of Death around his neck, and a ring on each hand. Selia Roselyn Maxwell's gaze was drawn to the black ring engraved with four holy symbols, Bellum, God of War, Dominus, God of Tyranny , Mortem, God of Death, and Umbra, Goddess of Shadow.   Bram Invictus greeted them and told them he’d heard much about them. Mogi Delvin asked about what he’d heard and from whom. Bram told them he’d learned about them from Brother Lu, that they would destroy Prince Xanthus, and that he would not kill them for it. Bram Invictus admitted that he was unsure whether Brother Lu meant that as a prophecy or a command. But he was certain that Brother Lu was not someone to be disregarded. He claimed that Brother Lu might be the most powerful being in Embril.   He made Haymin’s Heroes an offer. He needed a new prince or princess for Darkhold. In fact, he offered to make them all vampires and that they could replace his current flock. Titta Morco declined his offer and Bram Invictus accepted that. He told them he would allow them to leave Gloaming peacefully, but they had to do so as soon as possible. He then took them upstairs to the Mist Walker Machine so he could operate it. With the machine, he showed them the location where he would create an opening in the mists. And he also showed them where in Embril they would appear. It was near Rowadin, but far enough not to be seen by locals.   Before they left the manor, they asked if they could take the bodies of the Shadow Wolves to ensure they were disposed of. They informed Bram Invictus of their rivalry. He allowed them to do so, citing they would be of no use to him. The party eventually left in possession of the Shadow Wolves, Karlene Brennick, and Xanthus Vasile. They headed down to the river near Glimmerton and submerged all but Xanthus Vasile in the running water and watched their bodies dissolve. They would take Xanthus back to Embril to offer his ashes to Lady Dyora Albyn.   They began their trek south to the exact location where the opening in the mist would appear at dusk. Then when the sun was setting and they could see the mists begin to shift, they walked through. After a few minutes, they arrived back in the Great Forest. The stars in the sky were much brighter and it did not feel as gloomy. It then took a few hours to reach home.   The next day, on the morning of April 6, 499 AV, they went to Lady Dyora’s villa and showed her Xanthus Vasile’s corpse. Satisfied, she paid them their reward of 5,000 crowns and let them take the body away to be destroyed. They went to where the Azus River flowed from the Great Lake and submerged him, watching his body dissolve into nothing.   They planned on taking several days to rest while Selia worked on creating new magic items for the party. Their adventure into Gloaming proved profitable enough for them to afford to do so. During this time, they had some books they found in Darkhold Manor copied, keeping the original for themselves and giving the duplicate to Trinity Hall. They also presented a copy of two books dealing with liches and lichdom to Amanaxis. When asked if the third task was ready for them, he replied that it was not. He was having difficulties locating the Eye of Doom and this cell of the Doom Bringers.   On April 20, 499 AV, Amanaxis came to visit them with sudden news about the third task. He produced a map which he said he found on his desk earlier that day. The map was hand drawn, and similar to the previous maps to Doom Bringer Strongholds they had already seen. It depicted a spot in the eastern edges of the High Hills as the location of the stronghold. Amanaxis warned them that it might be a trap, but that it was still worth looking into. Titta speculated that perhaps Mr. King and the Unseen sent them this map in order to set them on the right path. They only had one more taks to accomplish before they earned the Golden Key Haymin Stone had left them. Perhaps Mr. King was eager for them to finally obtain it and whatever was inside the Golden Vault. If this was the case, they would likely be targeted directly once it was in their possession.   The party debated on when they would leave for the third task and then on when they would accept the Golden Key from Amanaxis. Some where in favor of waiting on the key until after Merrywind Onyx’s, “A Bard’s Tale” on May 17, 499 AV. Pyzar Zim argued to claim their reward as early as possible. It had been the main drive of their adventuring career thus far, solving Haymin’s puzzle and finding that which he had left them.   They spent another week in Rowadin before setting off on the next adventure. This gave Selia more time to create some magic items.   On April 28, 499 AV, Haymin’s Heros set out on the eastern road towards Tall Rock, planning to turn north once they reached it. On their first day’s ride, a pair of travelers hailed them on the road and asked if they had seen or heard of someone named Idarin Black. He was a doppelganger that had stolen something from them. These travelers did not divulge exactly what was stolen, nor did they offer any contact information as to how they could be reached with any news. They just warned Haymin’s Heroes that Idarin black could not be trusted.   On May 1, 499 AV, the party reached Tall Rock. Auren Sylynn mentioned the name Idarin Black to the bartender. The man had remembered some men looking for someone by that name about a week ago, but he did not know much more about it, other than that this Idarin was accused of stealing something from them.   On May 2, 499 AV, the party left Tall Rock and rode north. About midday, they turned northwest towards the High Hills. During their travels on May 3, 499 AV, when neared the lower reaches of the High Hills, they heard a scream up ahead in the woods.   They rode towards the sound until they found three large humanoid, vulture-like creatures as they had finished ripping a human man to pieces. They looked to the party with a fiendish glare and began speaking in a language none of them understood. The party briefly debated what to do while Selia cast Comprehend Languages. The three creatures looked at each other and Selia could understand them when one of them said, “Dance of Ruin.”   The others agreed and they reached out to join hands.
The Heart of Embril
Pyzar Zim
Auren Sylynn
Titta Morco
Mogi Delvin
Ladigo Farthon
Kyrie Eleison Thatcher-Stone
Selia Roselyn Maxwell
Report Date
12 Apr 2022


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