Laura Bede

Empress Laura Bede (a.k.a. The Eternal Empress)

Laura Bede is better known as the Eternal Empress of the Shin Empire. Her background and history is shrouded in legend and myth, and few are able to separate it from her true history. All that can be established is that she has ruled the empire since its foundation and is the considered head of the faith of the Shinist religion. Her visual appearance is well known across the empire from the plethora of portraits and images created to honor her by her subjects, having led them through the exodus to the Apps Mountains and into the great prosperity they have now. She never appears in public anymore, except when wearing her ceremonial armor, much like the many other nobles of the Empire.   According to the stories and tales, Laura Bede began as the delinquent daughter of a monarch of a distant land shortly after the collapse of the Nameless Empire. In her teenage years she was abducted by raiders and rescued by the Immortal known solely as the Traveler. According to legend she traveled with him for some time, learning his ways and becoming influenced by him, and eventually even obtaining the same immortality. From her adventures, she gained power from her mother, and has ruled the Shin people ever since. She led them through triumph and disaster, escaping from the enemies of the Shin and helping to carve out the very first of the Shin cities.   During her reign as monarch of the new Shin Empire, she conquered the other inhabitants of the Apps, unified the various cities, and forged forward with new technology and wonders. She also waged multiple wars upon the dwarves, seizing their wealth and strongholds. Many of those strongholds were adapted into human cities, proud centers of Shin strength. The Empress herself led some of these fights, proving herself in battle, particularly at the Battle of Conecuh Lake, where she at last defeated the Jakonian Empire and ultimately brought about their fall.   No one has seen the Empress, in armor or otherwise, for the past forty years, ever since the borders between the Shin Empire and its neighbors were officially and permanently closed. Many rumors abound about her current state and capacities, but the official word is that she is still alive and well, ruling the nation as justly and wisely as she ever has.
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Empress of the Shin Empire
Year of Birth
64 AF 977 Years old
light blue
long, blonde
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
pale white
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations


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