Jayne Bede

Queen Jayne Bede

There is little known today about Jayne Bede, the mother of the Eternal Empress of the Shin Empire. She was born to one of the great warriors of the Nameless Empire, who survived the cataclysm that brought about the end of the old world. The survivors she was with continued to hold out at one of the most advanced and powerful facilities of the old empire, miraculously preserved from destruction. When she reached adulthood, she turned the descendants of these survivors into a utopia, a society with ample food and water, and invited wanderers to join them in peace. For her service, she was declared queen of her people.   The new world created by Jayne was not to last, as the prosperity of her people was met with the drums of war. A vicious and brutal invading force, often speculated to be orcs, overran the center of the kingdom that had been formed. Jayne and her husband sent their children ahead, with a small but powerful retinue, while they remained behind to fight to the last man. Jayne was killed in the battle that arrived, as she sacrificed herself to save as many others as possible.


Jayne Bede


Towards William Bede

William Bede


Towards Jayne Bede

Date of Birth
Rainburst 5, 36
36 AF 98 AF 62 years old
Circumstances of Death
Died during the Shin exodus
William Bede (spouse)


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